「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:敦煌 — 千載情緣的故事」展覽
August 23, 2022

The Hong Kong Heritage Museum showcases the thousand-year-old stories of Dunhuang, featuring extremely rare cave paintings, unearthed artifacts, and replicated silk paintings!

The Dunhuang culture and art have a long history and are definitely a significant treasure trove of Eastern art and literature. In order to help everyone better understand the charm and significance of Dunhuang, the Hong Kong Museum of Culture will present a number of rare historical artifacts, showcasing the rich emotions of respecting heaven, earth, and people in the Buddhist world.

August 19, 2022

【ZTYLEZ Interview】The solo play “Girls and Boys” by female playwright will be staged in September! Interview with actress Lin Zhenzhen, director Lin Yihua, and translator Huang Yingshi.

With "loss" as the theme, the story tells of a woman in her early thirties living in the city. She goes from resigning from her job, traveling abroad, unexpectedly encountering love, to getting married and having children. The seemingly smooth trajectory of her life undergoes a chilling change. Before the audience enters to watch, they must first see the sharing of the actors, directors, and translators!

Naturvillan Atri
August 17, 2022

A triangular greenhouse villa in the Swedish forest, with a powerful design that allows it to be “warm in winter and cool in summer” even without electricity grid connection!

Atri is located on the shores of Lake Vänern, the largest lake in central Sweden, with a conical triangular shape. Up close, this strong visual structure is stunning. When viewed from a distance, the house blends into the treetops, harmonizing with the surrounding landscape, like a natural hill in the forest.

August 9, 2022

The Taiwan gallery presents an international print exhibition, featuring the rare complete collection of Dali’s “The Song of Solomon” and the classic series by Chagall!

The gallery presents Dali's original etching "The Song of Solomon" created on Japanese paper in 1971, a total of 12 pieces. At the same time, part of Schakar's classic series is also on display, allowing viewers to step into the world of complete prints that have fascinated countless collectors!

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