April 11, 2024

Feeling tired often may be due to iron deficiency! Nutritionists recommend 9 types of iron-rich foods, pay attention to these when taking iron supplements.


Iron is one of the essential nutrients to maintain body function and is also the most common nutrient that women lack! If suffering from “iron deficiency anemia,” one may often feel tired, dizzy, weak, and have difficulty concentrating. How should iron be consumed? What should be noted when supplementing iron? This time, we have invited accredited nutritionist Chen Yunlin to explain the effects of iron deficiency on the body and the essentials of iron supplements!

Understanding iron-deficiency anemia

Iron-deficiency anemia occurs when the body does not have enough iron to produce red blood cells. Iron is an important micronutrient because the body uses it to make hemoglobin (also known as heme). Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen through the blood, transporting oxygen from the lungs to all cells in the body. Therefore, if there is not enough iron in the body to produce adequate hemoglobin, the body will lack healthy red blood cells, leading to iron-deficiency anemia. However, there are many factors that can affect iron storage in the body and lead to iron deficiency, with the most common reasons being heavy menstrual periods, pregnancy, vegetarian diet, regular blood donation, or gastrointestinal diseases (such as inflammatory bowel disease).

What impact does iron deficiency have on the body?

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia vary from person to person, and many people with mild iron deficiency may not show any symptoms because the severity of symptoms usually depends on the speed of anemia development. As anemia worsens, it is possible to often feel tired, dizzy or weak, pale skin, cold hands and feet, headaches or difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath, irritability, and other symptoms.

Foods recommended by nutritionists to supplement iron

Iron in food has two main sources: heme iron and non-heme iron, and the efficiency of absorption of these two types of iron is also different. Heme iron mainly comes from animal tissues, such as red meat (beef, pork), offal (pork liver, pork blood), deep-sea fish (salmon, tuna), seafood (clams, shrimp), chicken, etc., and this form of iron is most easily absorbed by the human body; non-heme iron mainly comes from plant-based foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), legumes, nuts, and seeds, but its absorption rate is lower than that of heme iron.

Further reading:

  • Early graying related to inadequate nutrition? Nutritionist: 6 types of food can nourish black hair, have healthy hair follicles!
  • Can drinking tea replace water? Nutritionist breaks down the myth of drinking water, drinking too much in a short period of time can also have side effects!
  • Eating Fruit Before Bed Makes You Fat? Nutritionist Debunks 7 Major Myths, Follow the “Fruit Timing Chart” for a Healthier Diet!
  • Iron supplement precautions

    Additionally, to promote the absorption of iron, it is recommended to consume iron with vitamin C, such as kiwi, oranges, mangoes, strawberries, pineapples, etc. On the contrary, it is recommended to avoid consuming foods containing tannic acid, such as tea, coffee, wine, as they will combine with iron and excrete it from the body, thereby affecting iron absorption.

    Recommended daily iron intake for different groups of people

    18 至 49 歲的女士及懷孕初期的女士








    50 歲或以上的女士(更年期後)



    Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of iron supplements

    Benefits: Iron supplements can prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia. Patients prescribed by a doctor may find relief from iron-deficiency anemia symptoms in the short term when taking iron supplements, but it still takes several months to increase the body’s iron supply. Most iron supplements on the market are supplemented with vitamin C, which can promote iron absorption. Consult with a doctor and nutritionist to choose the appropriate supplement.

    Cons: Iron supplements may cause side effects, including stomach discomfort, constipation, abdominal pain, dark or black stools, and nausea. Moreover, if there is no habit of selective eating in daily life, consuming iron-rich foods while taking iron supplements may lead to iron overdose, resulting in iron poisoning, with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing appearing within a few hours. If not treated promptly, it may lead to organ failure.

    Learn more: Chan Yun Lam Krista – Accredited Nutritionist (Hong Kong Nutritionist Association)
    Home Nutrition Center” nutritionist, Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Sciences from CUHK. Specializes in designing healthy diets according to the lifestyle habits of Hong Kong people, preparing healthy and delicious dishes with simple ingredients.

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