June 27, 2023

Central Natural Wood Decor Italian Restaurant! Signature Italian Red Prawn Pasta / Taste Menu Tasting French Caviar, Grilled Fish Maw

1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge

Central Italian Restaurant 1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge uses wood as the main decoration, along with the wave pattern on the ceiling, natural rock walls, and red earth-colored doorways to echo the natural style of design. The environment is comfortable and perfect for taking photos.

1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge

The restaurant’s must-try dishes include the chef’s signature Italian red prawn pasta, which can be tasted in the lunch set menu (HK$488 per person). In addition, a new tasting menu (HK$1,388 per person) has recently been introduced for dinner. Before enjoying the food, guests will be presented with a plate of fresh ingredients, including the main ingredients of the set menu. This will be followed by a starter of French caviar, accompanied by smoked pork cheek custard, which has a rich and smooth texture!

1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge

Afterwards, there is a Japanese bluefin tuna paired with Hokkaido sea urchin and tomato clear soup jelly, which has a refreshing taste. The rare and luxurious French ingredient, morel mushrooms, are cooked using Chinese cooking methods and stuffed with squid ink and served with squid as a side dish. The main course includes a flavorful Japanese sea bream with onion puree soup, as well as a South African yellowtail cooked in charcoal style with 22-head abalone, and served with a French lobster soup as a sauce, resulting in a rich and flavorful dish.

1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge
1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge

Desserts also have surprises, including red beet desserts with green apple chunks and fruit jam, refreshing and appetizing. Another dessert is made with chestnut puree, paired with vanilla mousse, chrysanthemum ice cream, and dried fruits, bringing different layers of flavors. After enjoying a complete meal, the chef will also serve yuzu sake jelly, shaped like Daruma dolls, symbolizing the fulfillment of wishes!

1111 ONES Restaurant & Lounge

Address: 18/F, On Lan Street, Central
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM; Closed on Sundays
Phone: 2910 1128, 9835 8606

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