10月 18, 2023



Cheese is the breakfast of choice for many people trying to lose weight, and it is also a healthy food recommended by nutritionists! However, don’t think that just because the packaging label says “low-fat” means it is definitely low in sugar, you have fallen into the trap of cheese for weight loss! So which one is more ideal to choose: full-fat, low-fat, or fat-free cheese? This time, we invited nutritionist Xie Shimin to help us break down the pitfalls of cheese for weight loss and recommend 3 healthy cheese recipes!


Cheese is rich in protein, zinc, and vitamin B12. Additionally, like milk, cheese is an excellent source of calcium, which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as aids in blood clotting and nerve transmission. Furthermore, some cheeses also contain probiotics, which help maintain digestive health, enhance immunity, resist infections, and prevent diseases.


The main difference between full-fat, low-fat, and fat-free cheese is the content of fat and calories. Full-fat cheese is made from whole milk, and although it has higher protein and calcium content, its fat content is higher than that of fat-free and low-fat cheese. Long-term consumption of high-fat foods can lead to obesity issues. Therefore, if you want to maintain your health, it is recommended to choose low-fat or fat-free cheese.




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    The process of making cheese involves adding lactic acid bacteria to sterilized milk. During the fermentation process, lactose is converted into lactic acid. Therefore, individuals with a high tolerance for lactose intolerance can choose to consume cheese. On the other hand, for individuals with lactose intolerance, it is recommended to choose lactose-free cheese. In addition, some individuals with lactose intolerance who follow a vegan diet may choose plant-based cheese. However, in reality, most plant-based cheese is primarily made from soy, almonds, and coconuts, which have relatively high saturated fat content. Excessive intake of saturated fat can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so it is recommended to choose unsweetened plant-based milk instead. However, everyone’s reactions are different, so it is advisable to choose suitable products based on one’s own tolerance level.

    三文魚柳 1件

    鹽 半茶匙
    香草碎 1茶匙
    黑胡椒 2茶匙

    脫脂希臘乳酪 2湯匙
    羅勒葉 3片
    黑胡椒 少量
    維多麥 2片
    脫脂希臘乳酪 1 茶匙
    糖 少量
    檸檬皮 2茶匙
    檸檬汁 1茶匙
    藍莓 適量

    栗米粒 半碗
    低脂乳酪 120g
    雞蛋 3隻
    鹽 少許
    黑胡椒 少許
    1. 將醃料均勻抹在三文魚兩面,然後放入雪櫃醃1小時。
    2. 解凍三文魚,然後燒熱鑊,放入三文魚。煎至兩面金黃色。
    3. 製作乳酪醬作調味即可。
    1. 將乳酪、糖、檸檬汁和果皮混合,攪拌均勻。
    2. 維多麥切半備用。
    3. 在維多麥上加入乳酪和黑莓,即可。
    1. 雞蛋和栗米粒加入水烚熟,撈起備用。
    2. 把烚蛋壓碎,之後把栗米粒和低脂乳酪加入碗中均勻。
    3. 依照個人喜好加入調味料,即可。

    了解更多:謝施敏 Kirby – 認可營養師 (香港營養師學會)

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