December 7, 2023

Which pizza has the highest calorie content? 6 pizza calorie counts revealed, nutritionally recommended simple and healthy recipes!


Christmas is coming, and it’s time to attend a series of party events and celebrate with friends over a party feast. You’ll definitely want to order a pizza for the celebration! But how many calories do these sinful pizzas actually have? This time, we have invited nutritionist Shieh Si-man to reveal the calorie and energy content of different pizzas, and recommend 3 healthy pizza recipes!

Various types of pizza and sauce ingredients calories, heat
每一片 pizza熱量 (kcal)碳水化合物 (g)蛋白質 (g)脂肪 (g)
辣肉腸 181187.28.7
純素瑪格麗特 1682047.1
* 以上資料取自不同品牌的官方網站及產品,僅供參考
* 所有 pizza 以 9 吋大小的 1/6 片計算

Foreign nutritionist Chelsey Amer once said, “Choosing pizza for breakfast may be healthier than cereal!” Is pizza really healthier than cereal for breakfast?

Most pizzas on the market are made with bacon and cheese, and are often topped with high-fat ingredients and sauces such as Thousand Island dressing or cheese sauce, making the overall calorie content of the pizza high. If you make your own pizza at home, you can control the portion size and create a balanced meal by using low-fat ingredients and sauces, allowing you to enjoy pizza while eating healthily.

As for cereal flakes, if you want to eat healthily, you should pay attention to the ratio of fat and sugar when purchasing. There are many cereal flakes on the market that are sugar-free and have added trace nutrients such as vitamins or minerals. Some also add ingredients such as nuts, honey, dried fruits, and chocolate, which increase the overall calorie content of the cereal flakes. In summary, you can choose between pizza or cereal for breakfast based on your personal preferences or needs. The most important thing is to eat in moderation and learn how to “nutritionally” pair different foods.

Further reading:

  • “My Goddess Roommate Dou Na” Show Wisdom Slimming Menu Open, Get Rid of Easy Fat Body with Unique Penguin Fitness Dance!
  • 【Stomach Diet】Nutritionist Shares 4 Diet Tips, Avoid These 6 Types of Food for Acid Reflux!
  • Plant-based meat has higher calories than meat? Nutritionist breaks down the vegetarian weight loss trap, with a low-fat vegetarian meal plan!
  • How to eat pizza in a healthier way?

    Kirby suggests choosing thin crust pizzas with relatively lower calories and opting for pizzas with less cheese. Additionally, if you want to eat pizza but still want to eat healthily, Kirby recommends making your own pizza. For example, using tortilla as the pizza base and topping it with low-calorie ingredients. For meat options, you can use skinless chicken, lean ground meat, and low-fat cheese. For vegetables, you can use tomatoes, lettuce, and spinach. You can also add crushed pepper and low-fat salad dressing to make a nutritionally balanced and low-calorie pizza.

    Easy and Healthy Pizza: 3 Recommended Recipes
    低脂雞肉蘑菇彼得包 Pizza彼得包 1 個、雞柳 1 條、 低脂芝士 1 片、蘑菇 2 粒、三色椒半碗、洋蔥 1/3 個、茄膏 1湯匙

    鹽 少許、黑胡椒 適量、香草碎 適量
    1. 將雞肉加入醃料醃 15 分鐘。
    2. 蘑菇切片,洋蔥及三色椒切粒。
    3. 用叉在彼得包上刺小洞。
    4. 將茄膏平均塗在彼得包上,並鋪上材料。
    5. 放進已預熱 160 度的焗爐焗 10 分鐘。
    6. 放上芝士,再焗約 3-5 分鐘直至芝士溶化。
    墨西哥番茄 pizza瘦免治牛肉 80 克、墨西哥餅皮 1 塊、低脂芝士 1 片、蕃茄(大) 1 個、茄膏 1 湯匙

    糖 半茶匙、鹽 半茶匙
    1. 把蕃茄一半切片,一半切粒。
    2. 用醃料醃製牛肉約 15 分鐘。
    3. 把牛肉和蕃茄粒翻炒至全熟。
    4. 將茄膏搽上墨西哥餅皮。
    5. 在餅皮上放上牛肉、蕃茄及芝士。
    6. 預熱焗爐至 180 度,焗 10 分鐘便完成。
    芝士薯仔 pizza薯仔 1 個、茄膏 適量、低脂芝士適量、蟹柳 4 條

    鹽 適量、黑胡椒 適量
    1. 薯仔切成薄片,備用。
    2. 把薯仔片平均鋪在鑊上,蓋上鑊蓋,以中小火焗煎 6-7 分鐘;塗抹茄膏;放上芝士。
    3. 放上蟹柳和撒上少許鹽和黑胡椒調味,蓋上鑊蓋,以中小火焗煎 4-5 分鐘;上碟切片即可。

    Learn more: Kirby Tse – Accredited Nutritionist (Hong Kong Nutritionist Association)
    “Katspirit Nutrition Center” nutritionist, Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Sciences from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Specializes in designing simple and delicious slimming nutrition menus according to the busy lifestyle of Hong Kong people.

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