8月 27, 2020

Lady Gaga再次公开“浸冰浴”画面!如此刺激的“冰浴”到底有何作用?

Lady Gaga 最近在 Instagram 上上传了一张举起 Rock & Roll 手势「浸冰浴」的照片,表示在为迎接即将在美国时间 30 日举行的 MTV 音乐录影带大奖(VMA)的舞台表演作准备。


而其实 Gaga 亦曾经分享过每次演出前都会花 5 至 10 分钟的时间浸冰浴,之后再泡热水 20 分钟,最后穿上包着冰袋的压力服 20 分钟,以缓解身体疲劳。这样「冰火交重」的疗法,光听就已经觉得很刺激,常人难以承受,但同时又引发大家的好奇心,到底如此泡完冰块再泡热水的冷热交替方式,背后藏着什么原理,而且又有什么效用呢?以下为你一一解答。

This therapy of alternating hot and cold is also known as “contrasting baths,” which is a form of physical therapy. The principle is to first lower the body’s core temperature by soaking in an ice bath, causing the blood vessels to constrict and reducing blood circulation; then using hot water to expand the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow faster. With the blood vessels constricting and expanding in this way, elasticity and tolerance to stimulation increase, effectively improving blood circulation. This helps to eliminate metabolic waste and pain factors from the muscles as they flow with the blood, speeding up the activity of nutrients and oxygen, aiding in the body’s recovery. This allows the muscles to relax, alleviate muscle pain, and reduce inflammation.


In addition, “contrast bathing” has many other benefits, such as promoting lymphatic system circulation, making the skin more radiant; boosting immunity, preventing diseases such as colds; enhancing energy, improving overall well-being, even effectively combating depression, as well as promoting metabolism and burning calories. 除此之外,「对比浴」还有更多其他的好处,例如是促进淋巴系统循环,令皮肤变得更有亮泽;提升免疫力,预防感冒等疾病;增强能量,令整体精神更佳,甚至有效对抗抑郁症,以及促进新陈代谢,燃烧卡路里。

一般而言,通常只有运动员在进行高强度剧烈运动后,才会采用“对比浴”疗法,以舒缓肌肉肿胀及疼痛的症状,而 Lady Gaga 虽然并非专业运动员,但每次在舞台上又唱又跳,卖力演出,其实已经等同进行了剧烈运动无异,长期要承受肌肉的痛楚,所以才会以这疗法缓解不适。然而,大家切勿因觉得“对比浴”拥有这么多好处就胡乱尝试,毕竟疗法刺激性甚高,并非每个人能承受得到,在进行前应先衡量个人身体状况,或咨询医生意见。

圖片來源: @ladygaga

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