November 23, 2021

Eating more to lose weight? Are you eating these 7 “negative calorie foods” while trying to lose weight?

Many girls will “hold back” when they are on a diet plan, fearing that eating too much will cause them to gain weight, wasting the efforts they have put into losing weight! Eating less greasy fried foods, desserts, and other unhealthy and high-calorie foods is an important step in losing weight by reducing calorie intake. But have you ever thought about adding “negative calorie foods” to your daily menu to help with weight loss?

We have all heard of “high-calorie” foods, but what about “negative calorie foods”? In fact, negative calorie foods do not mean that the food contains no calories, but rather refers to the “thermic effect of food” that occurs during processes such as chewing, swallowing, and digestion when it is consumed, which is the extra calories expended by the body in processing the food, higher than the calories in the food itself, making it a negative calorie food.

Due to the fact that the body consumes more calories than it takes in, it will convert stored fat into energy. In addition, negative calorie foods, mainly consisting of vegetables and fruits, have lower calorie content and higher water and fiber content, which helps with weight loss. In daily life, it is advisable to consume more negative calorie foods to make weight loss more effective. However, it is important to remember not to solely rely on negative calorie foods to replace regular meals, as this could lead to nutritional imbalances.

1. Water

Drinking enough water every day is so important for our bodies and skin, I believe everyone knows this. However, many people still don’t drink enough 8 cups of water a day! In fact, consuming an adequate amount of water helps to increase metabolism, aids in fat burning, and drinking water helps increase the feeling of fullness, while promoting intestinal motility, avoiding the problem of “fake belly fat” caused by constipation. If you don’t like to drink tasteless water, you can add some lemon to enhance the taste and “encourage” yourself to reach your daily water intake goal.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is not only a superfood, but also a very low-calorie food. 100 grams of broccoli only has about 33 calories, and it can also help reduce fat. In addition to a variety of nutrients such as vitamin B group, vitamin C, and carotene, it also contains rich soluble dietary fiber, which helps smooth bowel movements and prevents waste accumulation in the body.

3. Celery

People who don’t like the taste of “celery” may want to avoid it! But in fact, it is very low in calories, with only about 17 calories per 100 grams of celery. It also contains vitamin A, B, and C, calcium, magnesium, plant nutrients, and is very rich in dietary fiber, which helps digestion and promotes bowel movements, aiding in weight loss. In addition, celery helps boost the immune system, and the antioxidants it contains can reduce the risk of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

4. Grapefruit

Many people will add grapefruit to their diet when trying to lose weight. Not only is it a low-calorie food with only 42 calories per 100 grams, but it also contains only 7 grams of sugar, lower than most fruits. Grapefruit is also rich in dietary fiber, eating one grapefruit is almost equivalent to half of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber for an adult, which helps promote bowel movements, brings a feeling of fullness, helps control appetite, and reduces food intake. In addition, grapefruit contains an amino acid that can inhibit insulin secretion, helping to inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat.

5. Apple

An apple contains about 50 calories, but the body needs to burn 75 calories during the digestion process! In addition to being low in calories, apples also have a low glycemic index. The soluble fiber in apples can increase the feeling of fullness, while reducing digestion speed. Therefore, many people trying to lose weight will eat apples before meals or between meals. In addition, the rich polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals in apples help with antioxidant effects and promote cardiovascular health.

6. Tomato

A tomato weighing about 100 grams has only about 19 calories, low sugar content, and the lycopene in it can absorb excess fat and promote metabolism, bringing detoxifying and slimming effects, improving constipation issues. It also contains citric acid, which helps the body metabolize sugar and burn fat, making it a great weight loss aid! Additionally, redder tomatoes contain more lycopene, and cooking tomatoes releases even more lycopene. Next time you choose and cook tomatoes, pay more attention to these details!

7. Spinach

Spinach, which contains only 23 calories per 100 grams, is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, improve constipation, and reveal a flat stomach! Spinach is highly nutritious, with over 10 grams of protein in every 250 grams of spinach, as well as rich in potassium, which can help promote the excretion of sodium in the body through urine, aiding in reducing edema. In addition, eating more spinach can also supplement iron, making it very suitable for girls to consume!

圖片來源:Pinterest, instagram@jennierubyjane

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