November 2, 2021

Always having trouble sleeping? Develop these 7 simple bedtime habits to help you achieve high-quality sleep!

Everyone understands the benefits of sleep on the body and skin, but not everyone can achieve high-quality sleep! Struggling to get out of bed every day, feeling lethargic all day, even if you immediately fall asleep when you get home, you still don’t feel “recharged” the next day! I believe this is a true portrayal of many busy urbanites. Although getting more sleep and napping appropriately can help improve the situation, it is actually very important to develop some healthy bedtime habits to sleep well every night. Now, let’s refer to the following simple tips!

Turn off your phone.

Urbanites who rely on the internet often have their phones glued to their hands, even scrolling through them before bed! Although interacting with friends on social media or watching dramas on the phone is convenient and can help relieve stress, it doesn’t allow the brain to rest and relax properly, affecting the quality of sleep. Many people unconsciously stay up late because of phone usage, leading to a vicious cycle of inadequate sleep!

2. Soak feet in hot water.

Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed not only helps to relieve the fatigue accumulated throughout the day, but also promotes blood circulation and metabolism, relaxes the nerves in the muscles of the feet, eliminates swelling, and helps improve sleep.

3. Adjust the bedroom light brightness.

Most people are used to turning off the lights before going to sleep, and some even prefer to sleep with the lights on. However, the stimulation of light can make sleep shallow. Therefore, it is advisable to dim the lights slightly starting in the evening. Lowering the brightness helps promote the secretion of the sleep hormone “melatonin,” relaxes the body and mind, and makes it easier to enter a state of sleep.

4. Do not eat two hours before going to sleep.

Do you have a habit of eating supper? If so, it’s better to quit it! Eating too much before bed will affect your sleep as your digestive system is still working. It’s best to fast for two hours before bed, and dinner should not be too rich. You can reduce the portion compared to lunch to avoid burdening your stomach.

5. Drink water regularly during the day and avoid consuming caffeine at night.

Dinner should not be too full, and at the same time, you should avoid drinking caffeinated beverages to avoid affecting sleep. Additionally, many people wake up in the middle of the night because they need to use the bathroom, not wanting their quality sleep to be “interrupted” or even having difficulty falling back asleep after waking up. During the day, you should evenly consume water to avoid drinking too much water before bedtime or at night due to thirst, leading to waking up in the middle of the night.

6. Make good use of pre-sleep “Me Time” to relieve stress

“Overthinking” always makes it difficult to fall asleep! Why not relax before bed in your favorite way, such as spending 10 to 15 minutes meditating, being aware of your emotions and sources of psychological stress, releasing negative energy, or using essential oils, aromatherapy candles, playing soothing music, etc., to create a comfortable indoor atmosphere. Also, consider writing down the worries that keep you up at night as a way to release stress, regain a calm mind, and avoid going to sleep with worries and anxieties.

7. Avoid intense exercise

Although moderate exercise can help with sleep, engaging in intense exercise before bed can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to the secretion of dopamine and keeping the brain in an excited state, making it difficult to fall asleep. Instead, try some simple yoga, leg lifts, and stretching exercises to help relax muscles and joints without affecting sleep.

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