November 20, 2020

Supermodel Miranda Kerr loves it! What beauty benefits does “coconut oil,” which has been popular among Hollywood stars in recent years, have?

“Coconut oil” has been highly praised in recent years. Not only is it a natural oil, but it is also inexpensive. Even Hollywood stars and models like Miranda Kerr, Emma Stone, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow love to use it! The uses of “coconut oil” are even more extensive than imagined. In addition to being ingested, it can also be added to food or drinks during cooking, and can also be used topically, providing a variety of skincare, hair care, and other beauty benefits!

Before deconstructing the skincare benefits of “coconut oil,” let’s first understand this miraculous superfood. Coconut oil is extracted from mature coconut meat, which contains rich lauric acid that provides antibacterial effects and boosts immunity. Many “organic cold-pressed virgin coconut oils” can be found on the market. “Cold-pressed” means that the coconuts are first roasted at medium-low temperatures before being extracted through oil pressing methods, which helps preserve nutrients better than traditional high-temperature extraction methods. The “cold-pressed” processing involves fewer steps, resulting in higher purity, and the first oil extracted from coconuts retains more coconut essence.

1. Moisturize dry skin, delay aging with antioxidants

Coconut oil contains natural oils and fatty acids, which can replenish the skin’s natural oils, form a natural protective layer, and provide moisturizing and hydrating effects. The oil molecules of coconut oil are relatively small, allowing them to quickly penetrate the skin and take effect. In addition, it also contains antioxidant components, which help combat the damage caused by free radicals to the skin, delay skin aging, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, and keep the skin soft and smooth.

2. Prevent sunburn, soothe and calm the skin

Have you ever thought that coconut oil can also prevent sunburn? Research has shown that coconut oil contains an SPF4 sun protection factor. Of course, this level of sun protection is not sufficient for prolonged outdoor activities or intense sun exposure. However, in general, applying a thin layer to the skin can help block the harmful effects of UV rays. For sunburned skin, applying coconut oil externally can also have a calming and soothing effect.

3. Remove stubborn makeup

Coconut oil can also be used as a makeup remover, it is gentle in nature, and has a significant cleansing effect. Even difficult-to-remove makeup such as waterproof mascara can be easily cleaned. The reason is that coconut oil has a “lipophilic” characteristic, which, when in contact with makeup based on oil or wax, can effectively “dissolve oil with oil.” When using, take a small amount of coconut oil, gently massage it on the face, then wipe it off, and finally wash your face again with a facial cleanser.

4. Deeply moisturize hair strands

In addition to skincare, coconut oil can also bring hair care benefits, containing ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin K, etc., which help deeply nourish the hair. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to the hair, then gently comb it with a comb to improve frizz, making the hair smoother and shinier, and easier to manage!

5. Moisturize dry lips

The autumn and winter weather is dry, not only causing a decrease in skin moisture, but also making lips dry and peeling! Why not use coconut oil as a lip balm, thinly applying a layer to the lips to provide moisturizing and nourishing effects, reducing dry lip lines. And since coconut oil is edible, it’s not a problem if you accidentally ingest it.

6. Whitening teeth for fresher breath

Many people use the “oil pulling method” with coconut oil to improve oral health. Even artists like Sammi Cheng and Joey Yung have used this method! It is actually an ancient Indian natural therapy. The method involves swishing about 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes every morning, making sure to move the oil vigorously between the teeth. The originally solid coconut oil will gradually turn into a watery texture during the process. Finally, spit it out, rinse your mouth with water, and brush your teeth. “Oil pulling” not only provides a more thorough cleaning of the mouth but also allows bacteria in the mouth to adhere to the coconut oil. After swishing, spitting out the oil can help remove the bacteria, detoxify, improve oral hygiene, whiten teeth, and freshen breath!

7. Hand care, improve nail health

“The hand is the second face of a woman, so it should be well maintained! Use coconut oil as a hand cream or hand mask to help moisturize dry hands. In addition, applying it evenly on the nails and edges can also bring nail care benefits, helping to improve nail health and reduce hangnails, giving you smooth and delicate hands!”

圖片來源:Google, Pinterest, IG@mirandakerr

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