September 2, 2020

As a beginner in fitness, do you also have these 4 common myths?

Most girls spend their whole lives striving to lose weight, and exercise is always the key to successful weight loss. After all, more exercise can make the body curves tighter and more prominent, and it also has great benefits for health. However, exercise and fitness should not be taken lightly. In addition to paying attention to whether the posture is correct during exercise, you should also have the correct concepts in order to maximize the effects of fitness and weight loss, while also not causing harm to the body. The following will reveal the 4 common misconceptions that beginners often have when starting to exercise. If you are also a beginner in fitness, check to see if you have fallen into these traps!


Many girls mistakenly believe that exercising can turn fat into muscle, or fear that if they don’t exercise for too long, their muscles will turn into fat. However, these are all misconceptions because fat and muscle are two completely different substances. After a long period of not exercising, muscles will only shrink and not turn into fat. If you want your muscles to return to their original state, just return to regular training on time. Therefore, there is no need to worry excessively about muscles disappearing and forcing yourself to exercise when your body is uncomfortable or unable to handle it.


Strength training refers to exercise training aimed at increasing muscle strength and volume, usually using equipment such as dumbbells. The principle is to use the force generated by the contraction of skeletal muscles in different parts of the body to counteract gravity, in order to stimulate and exercise the muscles, and strengthen muscle strength. Many girls are worried that strength training will make their bodies bulky, so they keep their distance. However, the reality is that due to the lower secretion of testosterone in women’s bodies compared to men, which promotes muscle strength, synthesis, and enhancement, it is not so easy to build muscle. On the contrary, if you do strength training in moderation, it can not only strengthen muscle strength but also effectively help with fat loss, making the weight loss effect more significant.


The thighs are a key area that many girls want to slim down, and when they feel the muscles in their calves are hard, they mistakenly think they have “muscular legs.” So, blindly stretching in the hope of relaxing the leg muscles and making the legs look more slender and long. However, even if you feel a hard sensation in your calves, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have “muscular legs,” because when you don’t exercise for a long time, fat can also harden. So, remember to combine fat-reducing exercises while doing leg stretches.


After exercising and sweating a lot, it does feel refreshing, and you may think you have achieved good fat-burning results. However, the amount of sweat does not directly correlate with the effectiveness of fat loss; it is related to factors such as temperature and body constitution. To measure the effectiveness of weight loss, it is mainly about how many calories are burned and using heart rate as a standard. Therefore, do not blindly believe that wearing sweat suits or wrapping yourself in plastic wrap during exercise can enhance slimming effects. It not only does not enhance the effect but also wastes unnecessary effort.

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