August 5, 2020

Working from home makes it easy to be lazy and distracted? Check out these 5 WFH tips to boost productivity!

The repeated outbreaks of the epidemic have once again brought the working class back to the days of Work From Home! Yes, it saves time going out, it’s okay to sleep for two or three more hours before waking up, and you don’t have to deal with troublesome colleagues every day. It feels much freer than sitting in a cold and oppressive office! However, after staying at home for a long time, you will find that the process from getting up in the morning to turning on the computer to start working is the biggest struggle every day. The hidden procrastination syndrome quietly strikes again, making it difficult to concentrate, and poor work efficiency becomes a vicious cycle! If you want to regain motivation for working at home, why not take a look at the following tips!

Quickly change out of your pajamas and get into work mode to kickstart your day!

To get into work mode, you definitely need a bit of “ritual”! Although you don’t need to go out and show yourself, no one will care if you work from home all day in pajamas, without makeup. But often it’s these little habits that keep your mind and body from ever getting ready! After waking up, change into clean clothes, even put on the outfit you usually wear to work, then simply groom yourself, tidy up your hair, and tell your mind and body not to linger in bed anymore. It’s time to switch to work mode! If you usually make a cup of coffee and tidy up your desk when you get back to the office, you might as well continue this habit when working from home, which will help you prepare your mind and body for the new day of work.

2. Is your work desk at home in a mess? Tidy it up first!

Do you have a sense of ritual in your work environment at home? If you are always sitting on a comfortable sofa, or even lying in bed with a notebook while working, then don’t wonder why your work efficiency is always so low! Quickly return to your desk! Also, pay attention to whether there are distracting objects on your desk. Temporarily move them away from your desktop, only place items related to work, and make sure to work in sufficient light. All of these can help you regain the feeling of working in the office and be more focused!

3. Still refreshing IG? Please temporarily put down your phone!

On weekdays, the multitasking skills in the office have unexpectedly turned into a “bad habit” of working and playing on your phone, refreshing social platforms at home? Used to having colleagues around you on weekdays, suddenly without someone to chat with anytime, it becomes even harder to temporarily “let go” of your phone! Although working from home still requires communication with others through phone or internet, you can’t simply turn off your phone. However, you can try only opening communication software or programs related to work. As for private groups on WhatsApp, you can mute them for now and check them during breaks. If you can’t resist the temptation of Facebook and Instagram, you can log out of these social platforms while working from home to help you temporarily set them aside!

4. Working from home disrupts your daily routine? Don’t forget to customize your schedule!

Compared to returning to the office to work, WFH, although more flexible, allows for more freedom in managing one’s time. However, if you are not careful, it can disrupt your original daily routine! For example, staying up late and waking up late, irregular meals, can easily lead to poor mental state, drowsiness, declining productivity, and unhealthy habits that can lead to weight gain! Therefore, it is best to set your daily schedule, even if you can sleep a little more, do not wake up too late, after all, early to bed and early to rise is the key to being energetic and performing better at work! Also, maintain a balanced diet, eat on time, avoid snacking while working, and stay healthy while WFH! After every 30 minutes of work, give yourself a 5-minute break, stretch your muscles, maybe you always want to finish all the work in one go, but don’t forget that “rest is for walking further”, working from home also requires Work Life Balance!

5. Don’t want to be disturbed while working? Seek understanding and help from your family!

Working from home, although it reduces interruptions from colleagues, when you are about to start working, your family may be watching TV or chatting with you as usual! Of course, your family’s “disturbance” is not intentional, they are just following their usual habits at home. It might be helpful to communicate with them first, allowing them to do their own things without affecting your work, such as wearing headphones when watching videos.

In addition, if you have cute furry babies at home, you must have another worry, which is being “complained” by the masters every day while working at home. They either walk around you to “show their presence” or directly “occupy” your computer keyboard! At this time, please ask your family to accompany and take care of your masters during this period of work, and then “compensate” them after you finish your work!

At the end of the day, WFH is a test of self-management and time allocation. As long as you master the above points, I believe you can have satisfactory efficiency when working from home!

圖片來源:Pinterest, Google, Instagram

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