July 4, 2024

High-quality Chinese cuisine in Causeway Bay! Enjoy authentic Huaiyang dishes at this elegant restaurant / A must-try is the Palace-style stuffed rice straw pork.

High-quality Chinese cuisine recommendation! Chinese cuisine is diverse, and recently a new Chinese restaurant specializing in authentic Jiangnan cuisine has opened in Causeway Bay. The interior of the restaurant is full of an ancient charm, with many precious collections on display, making it feel like stepping into a gathering place for literati and scholars of the past!

The four famous chefs at Hongwenguan all have rich experience in Jiangnan cuisine, bringing the most authentic Jiangnan flavor, the dishes are of high quality! Huaiyang cuisine is known as the “national banquet cuisine” and one of the four major classical cuisines in China, bringing together the flavors of Taizhou, Yangzhou, Huai’an, Shanghai and other cuisines in the Jiangnan region. Hongwenguan’s Huaiyang cuisine is light and exquisite, with surprising presentation and taste.

Recommended appetizer “Wasabi Enoki Mushrooms”, lightly sear the enoki mushrooms and then mix with wasabi for a refreshing and crispy taste! “Braised Pork Head Meat” uses Taizhou black pigs fed with five grains and raised in a free-range manner, selecting rare parts from the ears to the back of the neck to make, with even skin, meat, and fat. Dip in the secret spicy sauce when eating to enhance the flavor!

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