November 1, 2023

Central Shop Fresh Vegetarian Fine Dining! Fusion of Chinese and Western New-style Cuisine / Crystal Dumplings with Transparent Skin / Matsutake Mushroom Clear Vegetarian Soup

Nowadays, vegetarianism is becoming more and more diverse, and cooking methods also have surprises, just like the new store “Yuan” located in Central. The fusion of Chinese and Western styles brings a fresh vegetarian fine dining experience!


The “Round” menu is based on the concept of using seasonal ingredients in harmony with nature, without the use of pungent flavors. The lunch menu includes a welcome drink, appetizers, cold dishes, soups, main dishes, staple foods, and desserts. First, there is the “Refreshing Five Vegetables” made with bitter melon, celery, cucumber, kale, and green apple. Then, there are homemade appetizers and seasonal pickles, including “Winter Ginger and Ice Lettuce” and “Olive and Screw Roll.” The latter is made with Chaozhou olive vegetables and served with hot and crispy screw rolls, creating a savory and fragrant taste.

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