November 13, 2020

Is applying moisturizer diligently every day enough? Recommend these 6 drinks to help you easily drink out smooth skin!

Every girl hopes to have flawless skin, and to cultivate enviable skin quality, besides relying on diligently applying various skincare products, have you ever thought about starting from daily diet? For example, the following 6 drinks will help you improve your skin from the inside out, effortlessly “drinking out” a hydrated and delicate complexion every day!

1. Green tea

In addition to helping with weight loss, drinking green tea can also improve skin quality. It contains rich tea polyphenols, which can eliminate free radicals in the body, exerting a significant antioxidant effect and delaying skin aging. It also helps regulate the balance of water and oil in the skin, and the tannic acid component can enhance the skin’s defense, bringing a pore-tightening effect.

Green tea also contains a large amount of vitamins, which helps promote blood circulation, eliminate toxins, and can inhibit and lighten melanin growth, improving the problem of melanin deposition in the skin, bringing whitening and spot-lightening effects! In addition, do you know that green tea also has a “sunscreen” effect? The catechins and tea polyphenols in it help reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin, and the catechins also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to soothe the skin!

2. Barley tea

In addition to green tea, the lightly fragrant “barley tea” is another popular beverage that can bring antioxidant effects to the skin! It contains an ingredient called “alkylpyrazine,” which produces antioxidants when roasted, helping to fight aging, promote blood circulation, eliminate waste, and make the skin radiant. In addition, barley tea can reduce the production of aging-inducing “reactive oxygen,” and it also contains minerals such as silicon, which strengthens collagen in the skin to prevent sagging, as well as zinc, which promotes melanin metabolism and lightens spots. Another ingredient, “p-coumaric acid,” helps improve rough skin conditions.

3. South African national treasure tea

The name “South African national treasure tea” may be unfamiliar to many, it is also known as “Dr. Tea” and “South African Ruby”. In 2015, it was selected by Time magazine as one of the “50 healthiest foods in the world”! South African national treasure tea contains a large amount of zinc ions, which helps promote the generation of skin cells and can also inhibit acne caused by hormonal imbalance. South African national treasure tea also contains rich ingredients such as superoxide dismutase and polyphenols, which help fight against reactive oxygen, promote metabolism, prevent cell damage, and bring multiple benefits such as anti-allergy, soothing, anti-wrinkle, and spot removal. In addition, it contains active flavonoids that help promote sleep, improve sleep quality, and wake up with better skin the next day!

4. Honey water

During the dry autumn and winter weather, many people drink honey water to moisturize their throats. In fact, it also helps the body eliminate excess toxins and brings nourishing effects to the skin. Honey contains vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other components that can have anti-inflammatory effects, inhibit surface bacteria on the skin, and promote skin tissue regeneration. Honey can also provide moisturizing effects for the skin, and its enzymes, vitamins, natural amino acids, and other components can help the skin retain water, making it more hydrated, elastic, and soft, while also making the skin texture smoother.

5. Cranberry juice

When it comes to fruits with amazing antioxidant power, cranberries are definitely at the top of the list! Cranberries have the highest polyphenol content of any fruit, as well as containing vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, catechins, potassium, manganese, thiamine, and other components. They can combat the damage caused by free radicals to skin cells and strengthen skin immunity, providing outstanding antioxidant effects. Drinking cranberry juice regularly helps boost metabolism, promote skin health, maintain skin firmness and elasticity, smooth out texture, prevent wrinkles, and improve dull skin tone.

6. Water

Finally, the most important drink is “water”! While continuously applying moisturizing essence, cream, and face masks to provide emergency hydration to the skin, ask yourself: Have you drunk enough water today? Although it is tasteless, drinking water can replenish moisture to the skin, improve dryness, help repair skin cells, enhance elasticity, and even prevent aging. Drinking more water can also promote urination and improve constipation, helping to eliminate waste from the body, improve skin tone due to the accumulation of toxins, and make the skin appear more radiant.

However, there are also things to pay attention to when drinking water. Even if you aim to reach the goal of “drinking 8 glasses of water a day,” do not drink a large amount of water at once to avoid burdening the body. It is best to drink in small amounts two or three sips at a time, and do not wait until your mouth is dry to drink water because feeling thirsty actually means that the body is starting to dehydrate! After waking up every morning, you should also drink water to replenish the water lost during the night’s sleep! In addition, it is best to choose to drink warm water, which helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, allowing the skin to emit a healthy and rosy glow!

圖片來源:Pinterest, Google

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