11月 1, 2023

【Avocado Nutrition】Nutritionist breaks down the benefits of avocado and debunks weight loss myths, recommending 3 easy avocado recipes.



功效 1:维持心脏健康

Avocado has a high fat content, with over 70% being unsaturated fat or “good fat”, which can lower “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) and increase “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) levels, preventing cardiovascular disease.

功效 2:提升大脑功能

Avocado’s lutein can improve focus and cognitive abilities. It also contains rich Omega-3 fatty acids, which help repair brain nerve cells, promote brain information transmission abilities, and improve memory and focus.

功效 3:预防便秘


How to determine the ripeness of an avocado?






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    Avocado contains vitamin K, and excessive consumption of avocado can affect the effectiveness of anticoagulant medication. People who are taking anticoagulant medication should be cautious. In addition, individuals who are sensitive to latex should avoid consuming avocado, as the components of avocado are similar to latex and can cause allergic reactions.


    The dietary fiber in avocados can improve intestinal health, and its high fat content can increase satiety and effectively suppress appetite. However, since 70% to 80% of the calories in avocados come from fat, the calorie content is relatively high, and excessive consumption may lead to weight gain. Additionally, any food, including avocados, can cause weight gain or loss, depending on the calories we consume and absorb each day. The key to weight loss is learning how to balance overall calorie intake. It is recommended to consume half an avocado per day, eat in moderation, and avoid excessive consumption.

    牛油果炒蛋 Bagel牛油果半個
    雞蛋 一隻(使用一至兩茶匙油快炒)
    Bagel 一個 
    1. 將牛油果切半,並起核。
    2. 把雞蛋和牛奶拌匀,開小火炒一炒,加入牛油果、鹽和黑胡椒調味,備用。
    3. 將炒蛋加入香草做裝飾,夾在Bagel中即成。
    牛油果醬酸種包配無糖豆漿一杯酸種包 一片
    牛油果 半個
    1. 把牛油果洗淨,去核切粒。
    2. 將牛油果壓成蓉。
    3. 加入適量鹽、檸檬汁、黑椒,攪拌即成。
    牛油果燕麥奶昔牛油果 半個
    脫脂奶 一杯
    燕麥 二湯匙
    1. 牛油果洗淨,去核,把果肉挖出備用。
    2. 把所有材料加入攪拌機中,攪拌至幼滑即成。

    了解更多:温巧晴 Amy – 認可營養師 (香港營養師學會)
    家營營養中心」營養師,食物及營養學理學士 (英國歐斯特大學)。熱愛烹飪,擅長配搭不同食材,設計成營養豐富又美味的食譜,幫助都市人輕鬆實踐健康飲食。

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