喜欢露腰穿搭的 Minnie 腰部线条纤瘦,更能看见隐约的腹肌!她平日主要靠练习普提拉维持身材,紧实腰部线条,不时也会进行空中吊挂式的普提拉高难度动作,更有效局部锻炼,同时促进血液循环去水肿,令本来的普提拉更升华,雕塑身材更显著!
Captain Xiaojuan, who has a slim waist and peach-shaped buttocks, has always had strict body management during her trainee days. She openly shares her home exercise habits on the variety show “I Live Alone” and mentions, “I exercise three to four times a week, mainly focusing on muscle endurance training.”
Tian Xiaojuan’s home fitness equipment is very complete. She likes to do dumbbell weight training at home on weekdays, combining squats to effectively exercise and sculpt the whole body muscles, and easily achieve peach buttocks. Afterwards, she will do lateral raises with barbells to train her shoulders at right angles by increasing the weight with barbells, while eliminating excess fat in the shoulders, neck, and armpits. Finally, she concludes with a 1-minute plank exercise, effectively exercising the muscles and eliminating abdominal fat, making the muscle lines more prominent and helping to slim the whole body!
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擁有S曲線的薇娟每週會進行五天的高強度舞蹈練習,配搭扭腰、大量跳躍、踏步、踢腿等動作,幫助燃燒脂肪同時,緊實肌肉線條,維持好身材!大家不妨跟著最近流行的Kpop Dance Workout大跳爆汗瘦身舞,運動效果絕對有感!
台湾成员舒华最近回归后也被发现甩掉了肉感,原来她跟 Minnie 一样也是靠练习普提拉维持身形,改善体态,让身型线条更美!她也曾在个人直播中分享了她的减肥秘诀,表示想变瘦必需要有很大的意志力,并鼓励粉丝「如果你努力,就能做到!」