June 8, 2023

Korean girl group (G)I-DLE’s sexy dance “Queencard”! Slimming tips revealed for a sexy waist and sharp shoulders!

(G)I-DLE 瘦身

Korean girl group (G)I-DLE recently made a strong comeback with their new title track “Queencard,” which immediately sparked discussions and became a global sensation. It also started a trend of dance covers! The members’ slim waists and sharp shoulders have also caught everyone’s attention. The leader previously revealed her at-home exercise routine on a show, showing her strict body management. Their enviable figures are all achieved through this kind of training!

Minnie, who likes to show off her waist in her outfits, has a slim waistline that reveals faint abdominal muscles! She mainly relies on practicing Pilates to maintain her figure and tighten her waistline. Occasionally, she also performs high-difficulty aerial Pilates movements, which effectively target specific areas and promote blood circulation to reduce water retention. This elevates her original Pilates practice and sculpts her figure even more noticeably!

(G)I-DLE 瘦身
(G)I-DLE Minnie

Captain Xiaojuan, who has a slim waist and peach-shaped buttocks, has always had strict body management during her trainee period. She openly shares her home exercise habits on the variety show “I Live Alone” and mentions, “I exercise three to four times a week, mainly focusing on muscle endurance training.”

(G)I-DLE 瘦身
(G)I-DLE team leader Soojin

Tian Xiaojuan’s home is equipped with a complete set of fitness equipment. She enjoys doing dumbbell weight training at home on a regular basis, combining it with squats to effectively exercise and sculpt her entire body, effortlessly achieving a peach-shaped buttocks. Afterwards, she does lateral raises with barbells to develop square shoulders by increasing the weight. This exercise also helps eliminate excess fat in the shoulders, neck, and armpits. Finally, she finishes with a 1-minute plank exercise, which effectively strengthens the muscles and eliminates abdominal fat, making the muscle lines more prominent and helping to slim down the entire body!

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