April 25, 2024

Be cautious of anxiety and insomnia! Nutritionists recommend 5 major stress-reducing foods, easily stabilize emotions by making your own recipes.


Sleep is closely related to emotions. Long-term lack of sleep can affect cardiovascular diseases and even emotional stability, making it easy to lose control of emotions, become easily irritable, and increase the risk of anxiety and depression. In addition to establishing good sleep habits, did you know that stable emotions can also be achieved through diet? This time, we have invited accredited nutritionist Xie Shimin to introduce 5 stress-reducing nutrients and their main food sources, as well as recommend 3 simple and healthy stress-reducing recipes!

Complex carbohydrates

Can provide the brain with carbohydrates, energy, and increase serotonin secretion, helping to stabilize emotions in the brain. Due to its slower digestion rate compared to refined sugar, it can help stabilize blood sugar levels, avoiding sharp rises in blood sugar after meals that may cause significant emotional fluctuations. Common foods include oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, corn, sweet potatoes.


High-quality protein

Foods rich in high-quality protein contain tryptophan, which can produce serotonin and dopamine in the body, helping to stabilize mood and relax the mind. Common foods such as milk, chicken, eggs, and fish are all rich in high-quality protein.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Can help suppress stress hormones and increase serotonin secretion, with a stress-reducing effect. Common foods include salmon, tuna, halibut, sardines, nuts, etc.


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