November 14, 2023

“My Goddess Roommate Dou Na” Showcasing Ji Soo’s Slimming Menu, Getting Rid of Easy Fat Body with Unique Penguin Fitness Exercises!


The Korean drama “My Goddess Roommate Do Nara” is currently streaming on Netflix, starring “Nation’s First Love” Suzy as the female lead, Lee Do Nara. With her excellent acting skills and perfect figure, Suzy shines brightly! Since her debut, Suzy has been loved and admired by many for her stunning appearance, and she has maintained a weight of 47 kilograms! However, she has also struggled with “baby fat” in the past. How did Suzy manage to lose weight? And what is her secret to maintaining a super perfect waistline?

When Suzy first debuted, she was criticized for having baby fat and thick legs, so she decided to work even harder to manage her figure! Suzy has a regular and self-controlled diet, maintaining her slim figure with her unique “sweet potato weight loss menu,” gradually becoming less prone to gaining weight. Sweet potatoes contain various nutrients, provide a sense of fullness, and the skin is rich in dietary fiber, with antioxidant effects, which can speed up intestinal peristalsis and help with bowel movements, achieving weight loss effects.

Breakfast: chicken breast, 1 sweet potato, and a glass of milk Lunch: half a bowl of brown rice, a bowl of vegetable salad Dinner: 2 sweet potatoes

Xiu Zhi, like many Korean stars nowadays, insists on not eating after 6 pm every night. This not only helps reduce the chance of indigestion and fat accumulation but also promotes metabolism and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and a good figure.

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