6月 12, 2023

首次曝光经典偶像潘迪华生活录像!CHAT 六厂回顾 91 岁潘姐姐逾半世纪璀璨星途

潘迪華 展覽

CHAT 六厂(六厂纺织文化艺术馆)最新带来「她能在黑夜,给我太阳──献给潘迪华」2023夏季展览,献给这位无论在乐坛、演艺界、艺术界均举足轻重,作品屡创先河的跨文化艺术家。今次展览由策展团队与潘迪华(潘姐姐)紧密沟通和共同策划,通过照片、服装、唱片、新闻剪报、文献及私人物品等等,一同探索象征潘姐姐人生及演艺生涯中的每一个重要阶段。同时亦展出新委托的当代艺术作品,以现代视野重塑潘姐姐这位一代明星的风范。


Upon entering the Nanfeng Textile Factory, visitors will first be greeted by a large suspended light grid portrait installation, where they can catch a glimpse of Sister Pan’s various stages captured on camera, observing her transformation from a graceful young girl to an unflappable star, and then transitioning from a performer who dominated the stage to a producer of original musicals. As they ascend to the second floor, visitors to the CHAT Factory exhibition space can also appreciate the portrait photographs taken during Sister Pan’s career peak in the golden era of the 1960s, as well as the groundbreaking work “White Lady” – planned by Sister Pan in 1972, which is considered Hong Kong’s first local Mandarin musical and also marked the first collaboration between renowned masters Koo Ka-Fai and Wong Jim, who composed the music and lyrics for the production.


Through conversations with Pan Jie Jie, the curator specially showcased a series of her activities to depict the role she played in the entertainment and travel culture at that time. This includes her performances in Bangkok, Tel Aviv, Phnom Penh, Singapore, Colombo, Beirut, Rotterdam, Honolulu, Taipei, and West Berlin, as well as her attendance at multiple international performance events organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Development Association (predecessor of the Hong Kong Tourism Board) to promote Hong Kong overseas.


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    This exhibition goes beyond the intention of retrospection and injects vitality into the numerous files of Pan Jiejie’s life through the intervention and interpretation of contemporary art. In addition, unreleased video clips of Pan Jiejie will be featured throughout the exhibition, filmed by her close friend and junior, Chen Songqi, over the years. Through these close-ups, it vividly showcases the multiple aspects of this shining star’s career and life.




    潘迪华在展览筹划过程中,给予了CHAT六厂策展团队和艺术家巨大的支持和鼓励,亦时时不忘与新的世代对话:“30 岁的年青人与我特别有缘份,他们与我总是相识在他们的黄金岁月。策展团队和CHAT六厂的观众们,大部分都是年青人。希望你们不要存在偏见,认为老年人是古董、老土,与年青人在多方面都有代沟。古代的音乐、文学、戏剧、美术都是美好的教育和修为的文化,但难以学习。可从中取经,令大家有机缘创新的途径。”

    日期:即日起至 10 月 23 日(週二休息)
    時間:上午 11 時至下午 7 時
    地點:2/F CHAT 六廠

    圖片來源及了解更多: CHAT 六厂

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