May 6, 2021

Tai Kwun presents two contemporary art exhibitions themed around Hong Kong: “Ink City” and “Within Reach, Before Begin: The Wandering Door and Other Footprints”

Hong Kong, with its diverse historical and cultural background, has always been a source of inspiration for many artists. The Tai Kwun Contemporary art gallery has recently presented two contemporary art exhibitions with “Hong Kong” as the theme. One explores contemporary life through ink art in “Ink City,” while the other, “Within an Inch, Before the Beginning: The Random Door and Other Footprints,” delves into our city from various artistic perspectives, starting from the private archives of the late Hong Kong artist Ha Bik Chuen.

//”Ink City”//

Ink has always given people a traditional impression. Tai Kwun this time takes “Ink City” as the theme, mainly through the perspective of contemporary art to expand the traditional ink art vision. Some artists tell stories from the unique perspective of being Hong Kong people at the end of the colonial era; while other stories cover Chinese people scattered around the world, expressing their social experiences of gender, identity, desire, and fantasy.

⾄8⽉1⽇(Photography: Kitmin Lee)
「墨城」展覽場景,⼤館當代美術館,2021 年 4 ⽉ 23 日⾄ 8 ⽉ 1 日(Photography: Kitmin Lee)
「墨城」展覽場景,⼤館當代美術館,2021 年 4 ⽉ 23 日⾄ 8 ⽉ 1 日(Photography: Kitmin Lee)

A series of exhibited works from artists such as Zeng Zao Cai (Emperor of Kowloon), Chan Fuk Shan, Sun Xun, Shi Jiahao, Fung Hoi Shan, Frog King Kwok, and other mainland and Hong Kong artists, including numerous paintings, calligraphy, artists’ books, video works, and art installations. The works span over 50 years, bringing together artists from different eras and backgrounds, using Hong Kong as a starting point to interpret modern urban life through traditional ink art, addressing contemporary social issues.

(左)楊詰蒼《請帶上雨傘》2006 年;(右)曾灶財(九龍皇帝)《花縣曾蓮塘…》、《⼗九世租曾盆金…》1999 年(Photography: Kitmin Lee)
左:蛙王郭《會呼吸的⽣命體》2021 年;(右)陳福善《無題(傾慕者)》1981 年、陳福善《無題(印度⾏列)》1981 年、丁雄泉《兩位東⽅美女與紫色馬》1980 年代、丁雄泉《酸辣湯》1969 年(Photography: Kitmin Lee)
徐浩恩《視差秘室》2018 年至今(Photography: Kitmin Lee)

Among the works in this exhibition, you can feel that ink art can be so vibrant and versatile. Different artists respond to current issues with a contemporary perspective and fresh humor. This includes profound insights and sharp satire on urban transformation, as well as exploration of complex issues such as crowded cities, environmental degradation, and excessive material consumption. Additionally, it examines feelings of alienation, personal struggles, and reflects on themes such as gender and cultural identity with humor and introspection.

//Within an arm’s length, before the beginning: The Door of Randomness and Other Footprints//

Presented by the Asia Art Archive, the exhibition “Within Arm’s Reach, Before the Beginning: The Alice Wonderland and Other Footprints” explores the role of archival materials in contemporary art history and cultural discourse, starting from the extensive collection of documents gathered by the late Hong Kong sculptor and printmaker Ha Bik Chuen.

《影⼦戲》2021 年(Photography: Kwan Sheung Chi)

After Xia’s death, a huge database of documents was left behind, including negatives, photo albums, visual materials such as magazines and collage books. This exhibition showcases a series of “scenes” carefully composed of images, objects, and stories.

林穎詩《思考⼯作室》2020 年(Photography: Kwan Sheung Chi)
關尚智《鐵馬——麥顯揚之後》2008年(Photography: Kwan Sheung Chi)

The exhibition consists of 10 scenes, with 5 scenes showcasing new commissioned works inspired by Xavier Cha, created by overseas and Hong Kong contemporary artists such as Walid Raad, Kwan Sheung Chi, Lam Wing Sze, Raqs Media Collective, etc.

While other “scenes” reinterpret documentary materials and historical events from new perspectives, providing a richer narrative of Hong Kong’s art ecology over the past half-century, revealing a cultural world of Hong Kong that is not easily glimpsed.

⼤館當代美術館,2021 年 4 ⽉ 23 ⽇⾄ 8 ⽉ 1 ⽇(Photography: Kwan Sheung Chi)
《巨型⼿翻書》2021 年(Photography: Kwan Sheung Chi)

A series of exhibits are presented in various forms, including a sofa sewn with Tyvek material and illuminated by LED light panels on the back to reveal the original colors of the form; figures created on top of art storage boxes, where miniature collages of Xia Biqun’s silhouette can be found; furniture seats on the page realistically depict giant hands flipping through books, allowing for artistic imagination or reconsideration of the essence of narrative, memory, and archives, while providing a deeper understanding of important periods in Hong Kong’s visual art history.

“Within Reach, Before the Beginning: The Door of Chance and Other Footprints”, “Ink City” Exhibition
Date: From now until August 1
Time: (Tuesday to Sunday) 11am to 7pm
Location: Tai Kwun Art Gallery


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