香港四季酒店酒吧ARGO近日带来全新鸡尾酒单ARGO Cook Book,12款鸡尾酒以香港美食为主题,更特别用上港人都相当熟悉的食材,包括大豆、杏核、XO酱、纯素叉烧、黑醋及熟成茶叶!
The “Dynasty Old Fashioned” is made with Moutai bourbon whiskey and Ferrand cognac, with the addition of “ĀN Soy” brand toasted soybean residue, giving it a smooth texture and a hint of soy fragrance. Another cocktail, the “Hellfire Club,” incorporates techniques used in the preparation of char siu, including roasting and caramelizing, onto pineapple, creating a rum and Ayuuk-based cocktail with a tangy taste and a smoky aroma.
值得一提的还有味道甜苦交织的「XO Negroni」,把 XO 酱透过食材和技巧进行解构,再利用得出的味道制作出一款加烈酒。另外亦有 ARGO 与 Carbon Brews 联手推出的啤酒「Golden Orb」,其中用上野生花椒、乌柑叶及四季橘作为主要材料,带有辛辣、花香及柑橘韵味,清爽而易于入口。