6月 13, 2022

在大馆享受悠闲意式风情,中环新餐厅 Cantina 推荐!


中环区向来是环球美食的集中地,近日中环大馆就有一间意大利菜新餐厅 Cantina,从装潢到食物都散发一股悠闲意式风情。适逢父亲节将至,大家如果正在物色餐厅,不如看看我们的介绍,带爸爸到 Cantina,享受一个悠闲的意式时光。

Cantina 在意大利語解作「食堂」(Canteen)。餐廳位於大館 1 座 1 樓,設有歐陸式的露台走廊,以及一排戶外座位,讓客人可以坐在吧枱欣賞大館景色,彷彿置身外國一樣。

The store’s main focus is on traditional Italian cuisine, with a menu that includes classic dishes from various regions of Italy. Executive Chef Luca Schiavone, from the Sicilian island of Italy, has even added his hometown delicacies to the menu, hoping to bring childhood memories and traditional flavors to Hong Kong guests.

Luca Schiavone

提起西西里经典菜式,自然少不了当地最受欢迎的街头小食炸鹰嘴豆泥饼(panelle),Luca 把鹰嘴豆粉、水与香芹混合,慢煮40分钟后冷藏过夜,再切成小块油炸,可配以面包夹着鹰嘴豆饼共食,再加柠檬增添风味。

Squid ink spaghetti


In terms of desserts, one of the Italian classic desserts is Cannoli, with an outer layer of fried flour small tubes like egg rolls, filled with a mixture of ricotta cheese, 75% chocolate, pistachios, and cinnamon cream, sprinkled with a hint of lemon zest, very sweet with each bite.

父亲节早午餐也将于6月18日和19日提供,其中包括无限畅饮 Non-Stop Brunch 早午餐,在3.5小时的用餐时间内,客人可享用源源不绝的意大利气泡酒、香槟、葡萄酒和啤酒,并开怀尽尝丰盛的意大利名菜和薄饼。定价每位港币788元起。

電話:2848 3000

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