November 16, 2020

Anya Taylor-Joy’s weight loss secret in “The Queen’s Gambit”! Does the “elf-like girl” actually love drinking “apple cider vinegar”?

For those of you who have been following the high-rated Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit” recently, I believe that besides being captivated by the cutting-edge subject matter and thrilling plot, the female lead Anya Taylor-Joy, who plays the chess prodigy girl Beth in the series, has also left a deep impression! Her lively big eyes give Anya a unique charm, and she also possesses an enviable figure, able to perfectly carry off multiple retro chic styles in the series. It makes one curious, what is the slimming secret of this “elf-like girl”?

1. Exercise for at least 1 hour every day

To lose weight healthily, of course, you cannot lack daily exercise. Anya, who loves sports, spends at least an hour a day doing fitness, dumbbell training, yoga, etc., to maintain enough exercise, which can not only burn fat but also maintain the flexibility of the body. It is worth mentioning that Anya used to be a ballet dancer. Although she is busy with work now, if she has time, she will also take ballet classes to maintain her soft and delicate curves!

2. Get up every morning.

“Early to bed, early to rise” helps promote metabolism and rejuvenate the mind. Due to her busy work schedule, Anya needs to wake up early every day, so she has also developed the good habit of going to bed and waking up early to always maintain the best condition. In addition, research has also shown that people who lack sleep will increase the “hunger hormone” that boosts appetite, while the “leptin hormone” that suppresses appetite will decrease. So, everyone should not overlook the importance of sleep!

3. Maintain a low-carbon diet habit

“A low-carbon diet” helps reduce glucose and liver glycogen levels, increase the body’s fat metabolism rate, and Anya also reduces carbohydrate intake on a daily basis, mainly choosing oats, whole wheat bread, and potatoes to control sugar intake, and will choose foods rich in protein and healthy fats. She will have fruits, eggs, and a smoothie for breakfast, salmon or chicken salad for lunch, fruits or nuts for afternoon tea, and finally vegetables and quinoa, along with chicken, beef, or salmon for dinner.

4. Drink plenty of water every day.

The importance of water is believed to be self-evident. Drinking water not only helps to replenish lost fluids in the body, but also promotes metabolism and detoxification. Anya also drinks a large amount of water every day, which not only helps to control weight, but also makes the skin more hydrated and healthy!

5. Drink apple cider vinegar

Apart from drinking enough water every day, Anya rarely drinks other beverages, except for “apple cider vinegar,” which she keeps a full bottle of in her home refrigerator! She drinks two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning, followed by a glass of warm water. Apple cider vinegar can speed up fat burning and metabolism, remove excess oil from the intestines, reduce starch absorption, and have a slimming effect. In addition, apple cider vinegar contains pectin, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, which can lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, and make the skin smoother and more delicate. No wonder even up close, Anya’s skin is flawless!

圖片來源:instagram@anyataylorjoy, google

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