June 26, 2020

Before rediscovering the simple and beautiful life, there are a few things that need to be let go of.

Discard unnecessary things, let go of attachment to objects, live a simple and beautiful life, more and more people are incorporating the “KonMari” method into their daily lives. Clearing away the clutter, getting used to not excessively acquiring new items, looking at the tidy living space, why does the expected sense of clarity not appear, feeling like everything is still stagnant, life is not moving forward? Why not first ask yourself, while getting rid of excess items, are there a few other things that could use a good cleaning as well?

Is your schedule filled every day, do you still have time to date yourself?

After work, our lives are no longer limited to the campus, and the rapidly changing workplace has made our social circles wider. Meeting more people, dating, and socializing one after another, but the packed schedule doesn’t make you feel fulfilled or happy, only tired when you get home. It must be admitted that there are too many things to do and too little time. With limited time, squeezing out time to complete one gathering after another, have you left some “Me time” for yourself? Don’t think sacrificing a little personal time is no big deal. These moments that make you pause are often the outlet for emotions.

Facing the long “To-do list” at work, we may not have the right to ignore it, but we do have the obligation to clear out the emotional garbage that accumulates over time. With only 24 hours in a day, pick up your schedule now and carefully filter out unnecessary appointments through “断舍离”. Give yourself some breathing space to tidy up your body and mind. Only after clearing out the accumulated negative emotions and stress, will you have the motivation to embrace a new life!

Your world is raining all day, how can sunshine appear in my sky?

Friends who truly understand you, provide positive support and encouragement are your strongest backing, but those friends who are always full of negative energy bring endless bitterness to you, drowning the innocent you! Don’t get me wrong, when the people around us are in life difficulties or emotional lows, as friends, we are of course willing to help them, accompany them through the difficulties, but what is being said here is not a momentary complaint, but those who are often cynical, find fault with everything, love to criticize and label others, and believe they are always unfairly treated, the “habitual pessimists.” Do not underestimate their influence, negative energy is contagious, the dark clouds above their heads may unknowingly be enveloping you! If your friends are constantly complaining about everything, keep your distance from them, stay away from those unbearable negative energies.

Life is short, why is your Bucket List so long?

Learning a new language, saving money, traveling the world, getting married, changing to an ideal job… How long is your life bucket list? Yes, each of the above goals is positive, but when all the unfinished options are in front of you, a sense of inexplicable powerlessness surges up, making you feel stuck. Sometimes, too many expectations can lead to a state of chaos and confusion, feeling lost and not knowing where to start, gradually wearing away your motivation, making you feel like these dreams are out of reach. It’s time to prioritize your wish list, based on your current abilities and reality, clarify which are the urgent issues that need to be addressed, and start by achieving some short-term goals. Achieving dreams may not have shortcuts, find your pace so you won’t be stuck on the road to your dreams.

Carrying old ideas into a new life, aren’t you being contradictory?

Are you planning to start a new life? Have bad habits and existing thoughts been holding you back? Being late, staying up late, eating junk food, sitting for long periods, constantly scrolling on your phone, and other unhealthy habits may bring temporary happiness and comfort, but they won’t make you a healthier, more positive person. Comparing yourself to others, living passively, saying “I’ll do it tomorrow,” lacking security, relying on others, being overly paranoid, and other “toxic” thought and emotional patterns won’t make you a better person either. They will only drag you into an endless cycle of depression, anxiety, and laziness. Stop making excuses for yourself, quickly eliminate these harmful patterns, and truly strive for a better life.

圖片來源:Pinterest, Google

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