May 6, 2020

#Skincare Classroom: Tomohisa Yamashita transforms into a “handsome chef” to teach how to make sandwiches! It turns out that two of the ingredients are gifts for maintaining health and beauty!

Tomohisa Yamashita has been causing a stir every time he uploads new photos or videos on Instagram, despite not updating frequently! Recently, this handsome man seems to be interested in entering the world of food and beverages (?). He previously shared a short video teaching everyone how to make healthy “Detox Water” with fruits, and this time he is teaching everyone how to make delicious sandwiches (but the editor feels that no matter how delicious the sandwich is, it seems not as attractive as Tomohisa Yamashita’s charming face XD). It seems simple, but there are hidden secrets, as two of the ingredients actually have great benefits for health and beauty!


At the beginning of the film, Tomohisa Yamashita introduces the ingredients for making a sandwich to everyone in front of the camera, including bread, ham, cheese, cherry tomatoes (he accidentally dropped the cherry tomatoes, so cute haha)~ He first puts the bread in the oven to toast, then adds all the ingredients on top of the toast one by one (but be careful with the amount of cheese, or it will increase the calories!), and he also adds “mustard seeds” and “olive oil” to the toast, which are the health and beauty treasures mentioned above!

Mustard seed sauce

While mustard seed sauce does enhance flavor, it also has detoxifying effects, helps prevent tooth decay, prevents blood clots, and provides some assistance for patients with high blood pressure and heart disease; it also promotes blood circulation~ However, it is not advisable to consume too much at once, as it may harm the stomach!

Olive oil

Olive oil is a very good oil for the human body. People along the Mediterranean coast even have a habit of drinking a small cup every day. However, for most people, they may resist drinking olive oil directly. So why not follow Takahiro Yamashita’s example and add a teaspoon to a sandwich, or use it in pasta, so as not to burden the stomach too much. Olive oil contains polyphenols that can fight oxidation, reduce inflammation in the body, and slow down the absorption of nutrients, giving a sense of fullness. This naturally reduces food intake, which can help with weight loss!

圖片來源: @tomo.y9 , Pinterest

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