August 13, 2020

Summer is not just about applying sunscreen and lotion! Are you eating these 6 whitening foods?

For girls, whitening is of course the top priority in summer. In order to prevent tanning and dark spots, we work hard every day to apply sunscreen, various whitening essences, and creams, in order to create a bright and white complexion! However, besides focusing on external application, have you ever thought about a “double attack” from the inside out, starting with your diet, to eat your way to smooth and white skin? The following 6 foods can bring whitening effects, making your whitening plan twice as effective!

1. Lemon

The whitening effect of vitamin C is believed to be well-known, with many whitening skincare products using it as a key ingredient! Lemons, rich in vitamin C, can inhibit melanin formation, bringing antioxidant, whitening, and spot-lightening effects, making the skin more radiant. However, it is important to note that lemons are a photosensitive food, so they should be avoided in the morning, and to prevent stomach irritation, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Many people choose to drink lemon water every day, but because lemon water can erode the enamel on the surface of teeth and make teeth prone to staining, it is recommended to use a straw when drinking, or to rinse your mouth immediately after drinking lemon water to avoid these situations.

2. Nuts

Crunchy nuts are a favorite of many girls, and nuts contain plant oils, which contain unsaturated fatty acids. In addition to their health benefits, they also have a beautifying effect on the skin, helping to eliminate free radicals that cause aging in the body, providing antioxidant effects, as well as moisturizing and preventing wrinkles for the skin. In addition, nuts also contain vitamin E, which helps to slow down the production of pigments in the skin, creating an even and radiant complexion. However, due to the high calorie content of nuts, it is important to be mindful of portion sizes when consuming them to avoid overeating and inadvertently turning the task of whitening into “getting fat”! Also, pay attention to whether nuts have been added with a lot of salt or other seasoning ingredients during the baking process to avoid consuming too much and causing dry mouth and heat.

3. Tomato

To maintain the whitening defense line, of course, sunscreen is essential. Starting from the source to prevent skin darkening, tomatoes can bring sunscreen effects! Tomatoes contain rich lycopene and antioxidants, which can reduce the chances of skin sunburn, reduce pigmentation, provide antioxidant effects, remove spots, whiten the skin, make the skin more radiant, and reduce the chances of skin inflammation and redness! However, it is important to note that since lycopene is a type of carotenoid pigment, excessive intake of carotenoids can cause the skin to turn yellow, so just eat tomatoes in moderation!

4. Green tea

Green tea contains catechins and tea polyphenols, which help with sun protection, reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin, and provide antioxidant effects to eliminate free radicals from the skin, while also inhibiting the activity of melanocytes, improving dull skin tone, and effectively whitening the skin. There are many benefits to drinking green tea, but don’t forget that green tea also contains caffeine, so don’t drink too much to avoid affecting sleep quality!

5. Soybeans

Soybeans contain protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, and other nutrients that provide the body with essential amino acids, lecithin, etc., helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases and delay skin aging. Soybeans also contain protease, which helps block the formation of melanin, reduce skin redness, and the isoflavones in soybeans can help maintain skin elasticity, bringing anti-aging effects! Although eating soybeans helps with whitening and anti-aging, bean products are low in calories, but people with liver and kidney issues or poor gastrointestinal function should not consume them in large quantities.

6. Dark chocolate

Are you ready to indulge in chocolate? Dark chocolate contains ingredients such as cocoa polyphenols, which effectively reduce free radicals in the body, providing antioxidant effects that can delay skin aging. In addition, the flavonols in dark chocolate help the skin resist damage from UV rays, making it helpful for whitening purposes. These ingredients can also increase skin moisture, giving you bright and hydrated skin! Since dark chocolate with higher cocoa content contains more flavonols, when choosing dark chocolate, look for at least 60% cocoa content. Although dark chocolate has skin-beautifying effects, it is still a sugary food, so it should not be consumed excessively to avoid weight gain and other health issues.

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