7月 30, 2020


不经不觉,2020年已经过了大半年,这半年听得最多的时尚新闻或许就是某品牌破产、某品牌结束多间门店业务、某品牌大手裁员。虽然时尚界在度过最黑暗的时期,但可幸的是在这个时刻各个品牌依然奋力对抗逆境,继续交出不同令人惊艳的新作,满足广大时尚迷。时尚数据平台 Lyst 最近亦总结了品牌第二季度的表现,释出了热门品牌排行榜榜单,而结果则令人非常意外!

这次获得排行榜冠军宝座的居然是 Nike!它不仅挤下了连续3年称霸榜首位置的 Off-White,而且更是排行榜创立以来首个击败奢侈时装屋,登上冠军的平民品牌,可说是吐气扬眉!

而 Off-White 则稍跌至第二名,至于第三至第五位依次为将时装系列发布改为一年两次的 Gucci 、陷入抄袭风波的 Balenciaga 及迎来了新加盟的创意总监 Raf Simons 的 Prada 。另外值得一提的是 Balmain 再度跻身首 20 名,而 Fear of God 则首次进榜。


耐克之所以能成功打败精品品牌,拿下第二季最热门品牌的殊荣,原因有几个。首先是因为疫情的关系,顾客的消费模式与对服装款式的需求有极大的转变,由于在疫情期间人们无法到实体店消费,所以转而依赖线上购物平台入手心仪产品,这无疑对致力于发展网上零售业务的耐克有利,而其第二季度的业绩亦反映了这个事实,其网购销售额大幅增长了75%,占了总收入的30%,提前达到了本来定于2023年要实现30%线上业务销售额的目标。另外由于在这段期间大家都要stay home或work from home,所以穿搭习惯都有所转变,而休闲服和运动服在此期间搜索量大增106%,这也是致使专门售卖这两类型服装的耐克的成功因素之一。

The second is the collaboration between Jordan Brand under Nike and Dior to launch the Air Jordan x Dior joint shoes, which has attracted a large number of people to go crazy for them, and even caused prices to skyrocket in the resale market, not only earning income but also gaining a lot of attention. In addition, Nike’s outstanding performance in public relations and promotion is also one of the factors that have made it one of the hottest brands. The previous Black Lives Matter movement caused a stir, with various brands speaking out one after another to show their concern for racial discrimination issues, and Nike is no exception. The brand changed its slogan “Just Do It” to “Don’t Do It” and produced a video to urge everyone to face the problem and take action to eliminate racial injustice. This move has won the praise of consumers, making the brand’s public image more positive and gaining more love from people towards the brand.

圖片來源:@nike , Pinterest

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