October 27, 2021

Aromatherapist Jodie Chan – Healing through Scent | BETTER LIFE

Have you ever experienced the soothing and relaxing feeling of sipping lemongrass tea and inhaling the aroma of essential oils in a spa before the massage even begins? This is the healing power of aromatherapy. Healing through scent from a distance not only relaxes and relieves stress, but also serves as a way to transform energy. Perhaps it is the most accessible and balanced way for busy urbanites to find equilibrium in their hectic lives, providing an urgent outlet for releasing emotions.

// Aromatherapy and fragrance. Same scent but different use //

“The fragrances, perfumes, and essential oils on the market do not have healing functions, they are just used to please you,” this is the first thing that Jodie Chan, the protagonist aromatherapist and founder of esscentric, said in the interview this time. Essential oils are extracted from flowers, plants, and trees in nature. Each plant has its own effects and energy. When inhaled, massaged, or used in baths, the body’s nervous system receives relevant messages upon smelling the essential oil, thereby acting on different parts of the respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, etc. Just like in a bath, adding a few drops of essential oil can enhance relaxation and promote blood circulation, as well as aid in sleep. This is something that bath products with synthetic fragrances can never provide.

// Emotional Emergency Exit //

Urbanites face immense pressure, and when dealing with a huge amount of stress, some people choose to vent their anger while others choose to silently endure. There are always more solutions than problems, and of course, there are more ways to cope with stress than just the two mentioned above. For Jodie, essential oils are an emergency outlet for releasing emotions. “When facing stress, I choose to take a few seconds to smell the aroma of essential oils, giving myself a chance to focus on deep breathing, inhale exhale, and feel the relaxation brought by essential oils. It also provides a sense of detachment, allowing me to have the opportunity to think from another perspective, and face unexpected challenges with more calmness and composure.” The soothing effect of essential oil aromas combined with the calming effect of deep breathing is not about escaping the present moment, but rather about avoiding making hasty decisions. Acting impulsively is not as effective as facing things with composure, so remember not to let anger cloud your judgment.

// Besides essential oils, know another name: flower essences //

Instant relaxation and temporary emotional relief are the immediate effects and benefits that essential oils bring to everyone. How can we extend this natural healing power to a deeper level of body and mind? In the process of healing herself, Jodie discovered another field of study in the same discipline: flower essences. It’s hard to imagine that the cheerful and straightforward Jodie once experienced depression. Unfortunately, traditional Chinese and Western medicine did not work for her. Later, Jodie accidentally discovered aromatherapy. Being a perfume enthusiast herself, she slowly fell in love with essential oils and, after delving deeper, discovered how flower essences completely transformed her. Flower essences were developed as early as 1928 by the British doctor Edward Bach. He believed that sometimes illnesses stem from the spiritual realm rather than the physical body. By chance, he discovered that water droplets evaporated from plants possess the ability to help regulate internal healing energy. After 10 years of research, he developed 38 types of flower essences, known as “Bach Flower Essences.” By identifying the vibrational frequencies of different flowers and finding spectra similar to various emotional magnetic fields, internalizing flower essences can help regulate various negative emotions, allowing you to return to a stable state, accept yourself, and optimize yourself. It is a fundamental healing process deeper than essential oils.

// Improve fundamentally Embrace Better Life  //

Personality determines destiny, returning to the basics of stress and emotions, most of which are related to personality. “Work stress often stems from a personality that doesn’t know how to refuse. The overwhelming workload may be due to not knowing how to reject superiors or clients, or thinking that you are capable of handling it, spending a lot of time dealing with work, but never realizing that you are on the verge of collapse.” Bach flower essence has a type specifically for the yes man personality who doesn’t know how to refuse. It won’t let you reject everything, but rather help you choose what to do and no longer carry all the problems on your shoulders. Compared to other mental healing methods, flower essence is more spiritual, emphasizing not just feelings, but personal awareness. However, it is undeniable that flower essence does work on Jodie. Can you imagine that this calm and optimistic person was a materialistic girl fighting every second in the fashion industry ten years ago? Essential oils make her calm in a moment, while flower essence allows her to undergo a complete transformation. The natural fragrance of flowers and plants brings not only a moment of olfactory enjoyment, but also a healing power of fragrance, healing negative energy, in order to embrace a life full of positive energy.

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