January 15, 2024

“Single Hell 3” Lee Da-hae has a better figure than the female guests, creating a perfect nine-head proportion with three tricks!

《單身即地獄 3》李多熙

Netflix’s “Singled Out 3” recently aired its grand finale. In addition to the captivating male and female guests, the female host, Lee Do-hee, also drew everyone’s attention. With a background in modeling, Lee Do-hee stands at a height of 176 cm and has maintained a weight of only 50 kilograms for a long time. She also possesses a perfect nine-head body proportion. Even at the age of 38, her popularity remains undiminished! It’s hard not to be curious about her slimming secrets in her private life. Let’s take a look together!

Lee Dohui once revealed that she has a naturally larger bone structure, so even a slight increase in weight would make her appear fatter and bigger. Therefore, she is very strict with managing her body shape. Lee Dohui’s dietary rule is to practice “intermittent fasting” once her weight exceeds 50kg in order to maintain her figure and achieve fat burning and weight loss effects! However, a nutritionist pointed out that if one does not eat dinner for a long time, it can lead to malnutrition and gastrointestinal problems, and it is actually not beneficial for weight loss. So while everyone is maintaining their figure, they should also pay attention to their health!

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