June 26, 2023

Is quitting sugar the same as quitting fruit? Nutritionist analyzes the “sugar-free diet” and explains that weight loss cannot rely solely on reducing sugar!


In recent years, there has been a “sugar-free” trend, where many women who love desserts would give up sugar in order to lose weight. Some even avoid consuming carbohydrates like noodles and rice, aiming to completely cut off “sugar” from their diet. They hope to achieve quick weight loss, but is the “sugar-free” diet really effective? This time, we have invited accredited nutritionist Hu Jiaqi to debunk the myths of the “sugar-free diet” for everyone.

Many people cannot distinguish between “sugar” and “carbohydrates”. “Carbohydrates” refer to carbohydrates, which are one of the three main nutrients and provide the main source of energy for the body. They are mainly divided into complex carbohydrates (starch and dietary fiber) and simple carbohydrates (sugar).

//What is “sugar detox” exactly?//

“Quitting sugar” mainly refers to reducing the intake of added sugars, not quitting rice or fruits. The World Health Organization recommends that healthy individuals consume less than 5% of their daily energy intake from sugar. For example, for an adult who consumes 2000 calories per day, the daily sugar intake should not exceed 25 grams (about 5 sugar cubes).

//What are the risks of consuming excessive sugar?//

Excessive sugar intake can cause significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels, negatively impacting emotions. Reducing sugar can stabilize blood sugar, improve mood, and enhance focus. Long-term consumption of large amounts of sugar or triggering bodily inflammation can accelerate skin aging, exacerbate acne-prone skin issues, and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.

//Is reducing sugar the only effective way to lose weight?//

Many people restrict their sugar intake and even reduce their starch intake, thinking it will lead to significant weight loss. However, reducing sugar mainly eliminates water from the body, not fat. Once sugar intake is resumed, weight will quickly rebound. In addition, reducing sugar intake in the diet indirectly increases the opportunity to consume large amounts of protein and fat. If excessive protein is consumed, it will be stored in the body as fat and also put a burden on the kidneys. Moreover, meats such as red meat contain higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids, and fattier cuts have a higher proportion of fat. Long-term consumption not only leads to weight gain but also increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease.

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