November 19, 2020

Eating desserts brings happiness, but skin condition is declining? Let’s see the benefits of quitting sugar!

Girls all love to eat sweets, no matter how full they are from the main meal, there is always room for dessert! However, excessive sugar intake not only has the potential to cause weight gain, but also burdens the skin, affecting its quality! For those of you who are still reluctant to give up all kinds of delicious desserts, now is the time to understand the reasons and methods for “quitting sugar”!

Say goodbye to annoying acne.

Not only fried and greasy foods can trigger acne, but also excessive sugar in daily diet can cause skin breakouts! A study conducted in France analyzed the eating habits of 25,000 adults and found that those who consumed high-sugar foods, milk chocolate, snacks, etc., were more likely to have acne issues compared to others! A report in the American Journal of Nutrition also pointed out the close relationship between high-sugar diets and acne. Therefore, for flawless skin, it’s best to control your sweet tooth and consume less sugary foods!

Avoid premature aging of the skin

Are fine lines and wrinkles becoming more noticeable on your face? Is your skin not as firm as before? Take a moment to “review” whether you consume too much sugar on a daily basis! Excessive sugar intake can induce the “glycation reaction,” producing “advanced glycation end products” (AGEs). Although the body has mechanisms to help clear AGEs, when sugar intake is too high, it can cause AGEs to generate at a rapid pace, leading to oxidative stress and accelerating skin aging!

Once the skin undergoes “glycation,” it will affect the originally orderly skin structure, causing the dermis collagen to lose its support, leading to loss of skin elasticity and resilience, promoting the appearance of wrinkles and skin sagging, as well as causing dull skin tone and rough skin texture! In order to prevent premature skin aging, it’s time to put down the desserts in your hands!

Reduce depressive emotions

In addition to maintaining youthful and smooth skin, avoiding a bad mood is another reason to “quit sugar”! You may say that eating sweets can bring a lot of happiness, isn’t it just making people happier? Although sugary foods can make the brain secrete serotonin and dopamine, it can only temporarily improve mood. When the sugar is absorbed and blood sugar drops, the previous happy mood will plummet! In addition, research also suggests that excessive sugar intake can easily trigger depressive symptoms, so it’s best not to eat too many sweets!

Revitalize the spirit and reduce fatigue.

Do you have snacks and candies placed in the office to fight drowsiness while working? In fact, too much sugar can hinder the body’s energy storage, and cutting out sugar can make the mind more alert and energetic. In addition, excessive sugar can affect the brain’s chemical substances, impacting memory and cognitive function. Reducing sugar intake can allow the brain’s chemicals to be secreted normally, making the mind clearer.

How to “quit sugar”?

By now, I believe everyone understands the importance of “sugar detox,” right? Does sugar detox mean rejecting all sweet foods? In fact, sugar detox does not mean giving up foods like fruits and vegetables that contain natural sugars, otherwise the body will lack essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. However, when cooking these foods, try to avoid adding too many seasonings to prevent unintentionally absorbing excessive sugar. In addition to eating less desserts and sugary drinks, pay attention to foods like bread and cookies that contain artificial refined sugars, and do not overlook the additional sugars in honey and maple syrup.

In the early stages of “sugar detox,” the body may experience fatigue, headaches, and irresistible cravings for sweets due to sudden adaptation. If you’re afraid you can’t stick to sugar detox for the long term, it’s best to gradually reduce sugar intake. In addition, you can choose to replace snacks with fruits and vegetables that naturally contain sweetness, such as berries, which have antioxidant effects that help inhibit AGEs in the body! Finally, rely on your strong willpower to resist the temptation of sugar! Think more about the benefits of sugar detox for your body and skin. You can also distract yourself through exercise, listening to music, etc., to reduce the desire for sweets and help you break free from the trap of sugary foods!

圖片來源:google, pinterest, IG@bellahadid, IG@gigihadid, IG@lilyjcollins

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