May 19, 2020

#Slimming Classroom: Keep fit with the goddess! Organize Hyuna’s 5 sets of home fitness exercises & weight loss precautions together!

Hyuna, known as the “sexy little wild horse,” is deeply loved by many fans for her unique stage charm and contrasting cuteness in private. Of course, what is most admirable and eye-catching is her beautiful figure, without any excess fat but not looking too thin, a well-proportioned and perfectly fit body, along with abs and oblique lines. Who wouldn’t envy that? Recently, Hyuna generously shared her daily workout routine and some weight loss tips on her YouTube channel, and the editor has also compiled them into text format for everyone to learn together.

Hand Press Push-ups
12 reps per set, do a total of four sets. Used to train muscles in the hands, waist, and abdomen~

Leg Raise
Do 30 reps per set, and do a total of two sets. Keep your legs together, raise them to 90 degrees, hold for a moment at 30 degrees when lowering, then repeat. This exercise is great for working out your abs and strengthening your leg muscles~

Y Squat Do 20 reps as one set, do a total of one set. Hold the dumbbells vertically to strengthen the lower body line, make the buttocks more raised and firm, tighten the thighs, and also exercise cardiovascular function~

10 reps per set, do a total of one set. Mainly trains the muscles on both sides of the waist, tightening the abdominal muscles~

TRX Ab Workout Do 25 reps per set, for a total of three sets. Because this is a suspension workout, it requires the use of full-body strength, engaging all muscles, especially the abdominal muscles~ (No wonder Hyuna always says she feels like she’s only half alive after doing it XD)

Hyuna’s Weight Loss Experience 1: Correct and Effective Exercise Methods

HyunA believes that the best way to exercise is to do strength training, cardiovascular training, and Pilates in sequence, so as to balance the body’s muscle mass and flexibility. Additionally, she also reminds everyone to exercise in the correct way, otherwise they may strain their muscles or not achieve the desired results!

Hyuna’s Weight Loss Experience 2: Gradual Progress

“Rome was not built in a day,” successful weight loss is also not something that can be achieved overnight. Therefore, HyunA reminds everyone that exercise and fitness must be done gradually, not rushed. It is best to exercise for only one hour a day, even if you want to do more, it is important to rest for 3 to 5 hours in between. Additionally, she points out that if the amount of exercise in one session is too much, it can increase appetite, leading to consuming more calories and causing counterproductive results. Therefore, she recommends aiming to lose 1.5 kilograms per month for weight loss goals.

Hyuna’s Weight Loss Experience 3: Proper Diet Management

In addition to consistent exercise, HyunA also pairs it with effective dietary management, eating in a “small meals frequently” manner to avoid calorie accumulation~ Furthermore, she reminds everyone not to exercise and diet at the same time, as exercising requires a lot of energy, and doing both at the same time will only harm your health!

圖片及影片來源: @hyunah_aa , @lotteulsan_calvinklein , HyunA

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