12月 27, 2023


2023 減肥法

減肥方法百百種,而近年最流行的 234 瘦身飲食法、35921 數字減肥法、211 餐盤等,究竟哪種最有效?營養師又會推薦哪種飲食法呢?今次找來認可營養師張穎心為大家深入分析 2023 年最新減肥法,從減肥原理、優點到副作用逐一解析,並推介減肥餐單,讓您均衡飲食又瘦身!

234 瘦身飲食法

234 The guidelines for a slimming diet are to consume 500 calories per meal, which means controlling the total calorie intake to around 1500 calories per day. Among them, protein accounts for 25% (to prevent muscle loss), starch accounts for 35% (to help control appetite), and fat accounts for 40% (to increase satiety and stabilize blood sugar). According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, carbohydrates should account for 55-75% of the total daily calorie intake, so if only 35% is consumed, it may lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and irritability. In addition, while fat can increase satiety, if you want to stabilize blood sugar, you need to consume foods with a low glycemic index (low GI).


35921 减肥方法

35921 减肥法共有五大守则,一日只吃 3 餐,先吃一口蛋白质如先吃半只鸡蛋,使身体释放饱肚感的信号到大脑,然后按个人喜好吃蛋白质、蔬菜、淀粉,最后吃水果,可以避免因为省略其中一餐,使下一餐吃得更多,而且还会降低新陈代谢的速度,影响减肥效果。


This method helps improve common bad eating habits, such as suggesting only eating 3 meals a day and focusing on the importance of these meals. It also reduces the burden on the stomach and the opportunity to snack between meals, making it a more effective long-term method. It reminds most people to not overlook the intake of an adequate amount of fruits and fluids. It is important to note that consuming two servings of fruits per day, such as a medium-sized apple, is sufficient. If consumed excessively, even with just one type of fruit, the intake of fructose will increase. Additionally, eating fruits and the timing of meals do not affect the total calorie intake for the day. As long as the diet is moderate and balanced, it can also help with weight loss.


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  • 211 餐盘减肥法

    211 餐盘减肥法就是把餐盘分为四份,每餐蔬菜占 2 份(选任何蔬菜都可以,帮助肠道蠕动),蛋白质占 1 份(优先选择植物性和白肉,例如豆>鱼>蛋>肉,维持肌肉量),淀粉质占 1 份(优先选择非精制和原型食物,例如番薯、糙米,有助稳定血糖)。

    This method is relatively easy to control in terms of portion size, and it can also be easily followed when dining out. However, it may not be suitable for everyone in terms of portion intake, as it depends on various factors such as height, weight, lifestyle, and activity level. This method emphasizes prioritizing plant-based protein, but the human body tends to absorb animal-based nutrients more easily, which may affect the absorption rate of certain nutrients such as iron and calcium.




    營養師推薦 3 款均衡減肥餐單
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    牛油果 半個 
    方包 2 片 
    低脂奶 1 杯
    三文魚扒 1 件
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    菜 1 碟
    西冷牛扒 半塊
    薯仔 1 個
    西蘭花 1 個
    橙 1 個
    水浸吞拿魚 2 湯匙
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    無糖豆漿 1 杯
    豬扒 1 塊手掌心大小
    飯 1 碗
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    雞蛋 2 隻
    飯 1 碗
    菜 1 碟
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    低脂芝士 1 片
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    豆腐 1 磚
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    菜 1 碟
    蒸紅衫魚 約半條
    飯 1 碗
    菜 1 碟
    香蕉 1 條

    了解更多:張穎心 Stephanie – 認可營養師 (香港營養師學會)

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