12月 6, 2023

圣诞蛋糕 2023 盘点!必试烟韧麻糬/IG-able 泡芙金字塔/姜饼人巴斯克芝士蛋糕!(持续更新)



(左)爱尔兰威士忌朱古力咖啡圣诞树蛋糕 HK$720(可分 4-6 件)/ HK$960(可分 8-12 件);(右)开心果草莓圣诞蛋糕 HK$560(可分 4-6 件)/ HK$670(可分 6-8 件)


Another “Pistachio Strawberry Christmas Cake” is shaped like a snowy scene with a vanilla-flavored Hokkaido cream outer layer, and a Christmas tree made of pistachio-flavored Hokkaido cream, decorated with red, white, and green colors, gold beads, and yellow stars. The cake is themed with pistachios and Japanese strawberries, which are a must-eat at the end of the year. The layers include matcha sponge cake, pistachio Hokkaido Nakazawa cream, fresh Japanese strawberry pulp, red fruit crispy chocolate sauce, and pistachio sauce, achieving a balanced and sweet taste of nuts and berries.


圣诞回忆蛋糕 HK$1680/4 吋、HK$2680/6 吋

The Cakery 在圣诞节推出多款造型蛋糕,包括「圣诞回忆蛋糕」,小屋造型生动有趣,顶部摆放迷你圣诞树和从烟囱爬下来的圣诞老人,旁边更有小雪人装饰。蛋糕可供定制服务,客人可选纯素、无麸质、有机等材料作蛋糕底层,更可以自选蛋糕口味,包括苹果金宝、草莓、巧克力。


(左)快乐小象 HK$528/5 吋;(右)闪烁星辰 HK$298/4 吋、HK$438/6 吋


Another cake, “Shimmering Stars,” is made with a dense and velvety red velvet chocolate sponge cake, layered with fresh strawberry cream, strawberry French pudding with strawberry fruit puree, chewy mochi, and white chocolate hazelnut crunch. It is topped with a light pink strawberry cream with a special pattern. A bright and clean crescent moon is made with white chocolate and silver foil, accompanied by 70% dark chocolate stars, white chocolate snowflakes, and fresh fruits, adding a touch of romance to Christmas.


(左)Wish Tree HK$568/5 inches;(右)Snowy Christmas Mochi Tree Head Cake HK$198

Twinkle Baker Décor brings the “Magical Christmas” (奇妙聖誕系列) Christmas-themed cake, with a “Wishing Tree” decorated with crystal balls. Inside, there is a small Wishing Tree made of star-shaped green tea cookies, and the top of the tree cake is carved with elegant wood grain. Inside, there is a red velvet cake filled with 73% chocolate mousse and crispy hazelnut spread. The bottom is surrounded by crushed green tea cookies, creating a rich and layered texture.

Another “Snowy Christmas Mochi Tree Cake” is made with chocolate chiffon cake wrapped in Oreo cream and original mochi. The rich chocolate flavor combined with the chewy texture of QQ, the outer layer imitates the texture of a tree trunk with 73% soft chocolate, sprinkled with powdered sugar, as if snowflakes are falling from the sky. The surface is covered with smooth and creamy fresh cream and refreshing yuzu fresh cream, accompanied by Christmas leaf chocolate and star chocolate.


(左)圣诞金字塔 HK$850 起;(右)栗子蛋糕 HK$450 起

Le Dessert「圣诞金字塔」就像一棵华丽的圣诞树,上面镶嵌着两种口味的泡芙,包括红色的香草奶油和浆果泡芙,以及绿色的开心果奶油泡芙,再加上圣诞巧克力装饰,丰富而吸引人。内部隐藏的高级冰塔确保甜点的新鲜度,而蛋糕提供三种尺寸供选择。

此外,Le Dessert 也重新演绎了香港的经典「栗子蛋糕」,新创作的栗子蛋糕由多层栗子奶油和栗子海绵蛋糕组成,中间裹有肉桂啤梨酱和糖浆浸泡的栗子,层次分明。蛋糕外覆云呢拿鲜奶油,并以栗子和金叶作点缀,栗子蛋糕提供两种尺寸供选择。

//agnès b. CAFÉ//

(左)红丝绒圣诞树头蛋糕 HK$62/迷你蛋糕、HK$620/原个蛋糕;(右)榛子圣诞树头蛋糕 HK$62/迷你蛋糕、HK$350/4 吋、HK$600/5.5 吋、HK$720/7吋

agnès b. CAFÉ 蛋糕以法式傳統做法為基礎,加入精巧可愛的聖誕造型,為派對注入歡樂氣氛。「紅絲絨聖誕樹頭蛋糕」加入薑粒、雜莓及焦糖慕絲,味道清新酸甜,而紅絲絨加上滿佈星星的造型搶眼而富聖誕氣氛。



(左)伯爵茶芝士圣诞树蛋糕 HK$488;(右)比利时朱古力甜品塔 HK$628

Pâtisserie Jane 今年圣诞带来「伯爵茶芝士圣诞树蛋糕」,以茶香浓郁的伯爵茶蛋糕为基础,加入香浓的奶油芝士内馅,面头涂上香草奶油,带来满满仪式感的圣诞树蛋糕,喜欢巧克力的话也可选择只限圣诞供应的比利时巧克力甜品塔。


(左)焦糖脆脆姜饼人巴斯克芝士蛋糕 HK$180/4吋、HK$580/6 吋、HK$780/8吋;(右)抹茶圣诞树巴斯克芝士蛋糕 HK$68/件装、HK$520/6 吋、HK$720/8吋

Soulgood Bakery, a popular local Basque cake specialty store, brings you the Christmas limited edition “Caramel Crunchy Gingerbread Man Basque Cheesecake”. The surface is decorated with homemade gingerbread men made from traditional recipes, combined with rich and smooth original Basque cheesecake, topped with Lotus Biscoff caramel biscuit spread and caramel cookie crunch. It has a rich layering and is sweet without being greasy.

Another new limited edition flavor for the holidays, the “Matcha Christmas Tree Basque Cheesecake” is made with Marukyu Koyamaen matcha powder from Japan. It has a rich and lingering tea fragrance, and the fragrant matcha blends perfectly with the creamy cheese. Whether you’re a matcha lover or a cheese lover, you must give it a try!


半岛节日列车树头蛋糕 HK$888

半岛酒店西式糕点行政主厨郭滔贤(Florian Couteau)创作的3D立体树头蛋糕,灵感源自半岛节日列车,其口感与味道完美结合,最适合与至亲好友一起享用、一起分享节日的甜蜜喜悦。


开心果朱古力蛋糕 HK$438/14cm;士多啤梨拿破崙 HK$62/件、HK$405/12cm

如心酒店 Nina Patisserie 的「开心果朱古力蛋糕」以圣诞树为造型,切开是浓郁幼滑的开心果朱古力慕丝,更附有 DIY 配件包,内有糖果棒、小星星等装饰,让你自行点缀圣诞树蛋糕。另有层层香脆的「士多啤梨拿破仑」,顶层铺有熟成饱满的韩国原粒士多啤梨,夹层则有混入士多啤梨果肉的士多啤梨吉士酱,口感丰富。


圣诞黑森林树头蛋糕 HK$218/半磅、HK$358/一磅

香港康得思酒店 The Place 餅店推出節日限定的「聖誕黑森林樹頭蛋糕」,由鬆軟的朱古力海綿蛋糕,包裹著輕盈的雲呢嗱忌廉,配搭香甜的車厘子果醬及醇香幼滑朱古力慕絲,令口感層次更豐富。凡購買一磅裝的聖誕黑森林樹頭蛋糕或聖誕限定糕點,酒店將把糕點的一半收益捐贈予願望成真基金,與患有重病的兒童分享快樂和喜悅。

//Lifetastic × Venchi// //Lifetastic × Venchi//

(左)75% 特浓朱古力黑森林蛋糕(含麸质)HK$498/5 吋;三重朱古力慕丝蛋糕(含麸质)HK$85/Petite Cake、HK$468/Small、HK$658/Medium、HK$848/Large、HK$1,248/Grand、HK$1,448/Mega

LIFETASTIC x Venchi首次联乘,以Venchi 75%黑朱古力、白朱古力及牛奶朱古力,推出两款朱古力蛋糕。「75%特浓朱古力黑森林蛋糕(含麸质)」顶层布满幼滑的樱桃酒忌廉,散发淡雅酒香,伴以原粒澳洲樱桃作点缀,而夹层是Venchi 75%黑朱古力慕丝、黑樱桃果酱及朱古力海绵蛋糕,香醇芬芳。

另一款「三重朱古力慕絲蛋糕(含麩質)」頂層是充滿聖誕氣氛的朱古力裝飾,夾層由朱古力海綿蛋糕包裹 Venchi 白朱古力慕絲、牛奶朱古力慕絲及 75% 黑朱古力慕絲,細緻幼滑,微甜中略帶苦澀,配搭輕盈鬆軟的海綿蛋糕、濕潤的朱古力布朗尼餅底,交織出豐郁滋味享受。


(左)Apple Cinnamon Cake;(右)Chocolate Nut Candy Cake

Paul Lafayet 特意设计多款节庆限定的蛋糕,包括「苹果肉桂蛋糕」、「巧克力果仁糖蛋糕」,选用顶级食材精心制作,带来甜蜜惊喜。


(左)圣诞朱古力蛋糕 HK$298/15cm;(右)圣诞老人村鲜果蛋糕 HK$598/ 21cm

“Christmas Chocolate Cake” is a rich and delicious cake with a French chocolate black cherry filling, surrounded by a creamy chocolate sauce, exuding a fragrant cocoa flavor. Another option is the adorable “Santa Claus Village Fresh Fruit Cake,” decorated with Santa Claus, reindeer, bears, and a variety of fresh fruits, topped with matcha Mont Blanc as a Christmas tree.


(左)Dang Dang杯子蛋糕 HK$270/6 件;(右)圣诞节限定款式杯子蛋糕 HK$39/1件、HK$220/6件、 HK$412/12件

如果你想方便地与朋友分享,你也可以选择节日主题的杯子蛋糕!杯子蛋糕专门店Twelve Cupcakes与本地文创艺术家”猫室”合作,推出了以癫当、癫铃、王汪汪、阿赞猫和小袜兔为造型的杯子蛋糕。它们精致可爱,口味包括红丝绒、曲奇奶油、双重巧克力、岩盐焦糖、彩虹云呢拿和草莓芝士蛋糕。



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