12月 16, 2022

顛覆古典音樂演奏及觀賞體驗,林欣傑融合科技打造真實與超真實維度!—— 林欣傑《混序維度》專訪


In the generation where real and virtual experiences interchange rapidly, how can we find a suitable position to observe the world between these two dimensions? Recently, renowned new media artist Keith Lam presents the music video work “Mixed Dimensions,” showcasing the new composition “Fundamental Differences” by Hong Kong composer Langtian Zhao and the legendary classical music composer George Crumb’s monumental string quartet “Black Angels” in a groundbreaking way, combining classical music, technology, and art together!


Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam
Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam


Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam
Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam

Due to the completely different methods of physical and digital performance and technical operations, Keith and his production team spent several months completing this work. During the filming process, they used three iPhone optical radar lenses to capture the three-dimensional movements of each performer, and then post-produced them into virtual images. This work boldly brings about a sensory revolution, extending the audience’s perception from reality to a virtual, non-real world.

Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam


Image courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Festival and Keith Lam

In the final work “Mixed Dimension”, it can be seen that the first two-thirds of the time are the real images of the performers, while the remaining eight-thirds are some digitized virtual dynamics. Keith feels that the chaos depicted in it, both real and virtual, is actually the reality of the post-pandemic era.



采访与文字:Ruby Yiu
视频编辑:Andy Lee 

特别鸣谢:Keith Lam,香港艺术节


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