精品咖啡的手冲法及虹吸技术同时应用于高杯鸡尾酒,店内的「Tempus Hourglass」以氈酒代水、以手冲方式冷萃咖啡,带出咖啡的果仁香气,再加入美式咖啡冰粒,延续咖啡余韵。「Dopamine」则以虹吸萃取出伏特加、甜酒及果汁,调配出鸡尾酒基底。
The restaurant has also added a variety of specialty skewers to the menu, including salt-grilled chicken breast cartilage, salt-grilled chicken skin, chicken liver, chicken kidney, yuzu seven-flavor grilled tiger prawns, thick-cut beef tongue, and sauce-grilled white eel, and more. In addition, the restaurant is offering anniversary promotions. With the purchase of any specialty coffee, customers can receive a complimentary new espresso coffee caviar x cold brew coffee with vanilla ice cream (valued at HK$48). And with the purchase of any specialty tall cocktail after 6pm, customers will receive a serving of salt-grilled chicken breast cartilage (valued at HK$35). This promotion is valid from now until March 21st.
地址:尖沙咀麼地道 75 號南洋中心地下 32-35 號舖
營業時間:星期一至日 12:00nn-02:00am
電話:2380 2168