August 14, 2020

Attention dieters! Will the “8:16 intermittent fasting method” be your easy weight loss choice?

There are many weight loss methods in the market, some advocate reducing carbohydrate intake, while others use vegetable and fruit juices to flush out toxins from the body to lose weight. However, for those who do not want to completely give up certain types of food or do not want to adopt a single food weight loss method, these methods may be difficult to implement and not easy to stick to! Not every weight loss method starts with the content of food, but instead focuses on the timing of eating, such as the popular “8:16 weight loss method” in Europe and America, which advocates that weight loss individuals should complete three meals a day within 8 hours!

Complete three meals within 8 hours, fast for 16 hours.

The “8:16 Diet” is actually a form of intermittent fasting, also known as the “16:8 Fasting Method.” After eating, the body takes 7 to 10 hours to deplete liver glycogen. The principle of the “8:16 Diet” is to only eat within an 8-hour window each day, allowing the stomach to digest all remaining food during a 16-hour fasting period. This increases the body’s fat-burning time, promotes fat breakdown, and achieves weight loss. This weight loss method is quite simple to follow, starting the calculation based on the time of your first meal each day. For example, if you eat your first meal at 10 am, you must complete your last meal by 6 pm!

Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

During the 8-hour window for eating three meals, there are no restrictions on what you can eat, but within the 16-hour fasting period, only water is allowed, with a recommended intake of at least 2 liters. Eating irregularly, having midnight snacks, and going to bed right after dinner are all unhealthy eating habits that easily lead to weight gain, which I’m sure everyone knows! The “8:16 diet” allows dieters to eat more regularly and consistently every day, avoiding eating the last meal too late, thus aiding in weight loss!

Unlimited eating does not mean indulgence.

However, when implementing this “8:16 diet”, there are certainly things to pay attention to. Although this diet does not restrict eating certain types of food, it does not mean you can overeat! Just imagine, when consuming a large amount of sweets, or replacing regular meals with fried foods, snacks, junk food, not only will the calorie intake far exceed the standard, but it also cannot maintain a balanced nutrition. Isn’t the original weight loss plan upside down? Therefore, when practicing the “8:16 diet”, in addition to “timing”, you also need to “control quantity”, while avoiding falling into the trap of “high calories”. On the other hand, do not forget to consume enough nutrients in three meals a day, such as sufficient protein intake, to prevent muscle loss while losing weight!

Not suitable for this type of slimming method.

The “8:16 Diet” is not suitable for everyone. For example, those with poor gastrointestinal function may experience digestive issues, stomach pain, bloating, and other conditions if they use this method to lose weight. In addition, individuals with binge eating disorder are not recommended to follow the “8:16 Diet” as they may not be able to resist overeating after 16 hours of fasting. Pregnant women, those with chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalances, and other conditions are also not suitable for this weight loss method. To avoid adverse effects on health, before embarking on a weight loss plan, everyone should first assess their physical condition and carefully choose a weight loss method that suits them!

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