August 28, 2020

Using the right hair care products, but your hair texture is still not as expected? Check out these 6 foods that will help you achieve strong and beautiful hair!

Having full, glossy hair is definitely a big plus, making people look younger. Therefore, taking care of your hair is just as important as taking care of your skin! However, even if you use expensive shampoo, apply hair oil and hair essence diligently every day, your hair may still be split, dull, brittle, and prone to breakage, or even experience hair loss. In addition to using the right shampoo and hair care products, it is also important to eat right for strong and attractive hair! Try eating the following foods to nourish your hair from the inside out, and eat your way to thick and smooth healthy hair!

1. Nuts

Walnuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts and other nuts contain selenium, a mineral that promotes scalp health and helps improve hair quality. In addition to selenium, alpha-linolenic acid is also a nutrient that helps protect hair, and walnuts contain this ingredient. Cashews, on the other hand, contain zinc, which helps prevent split ends and hair loss, so it’s a good idea to eat a moderate amount of nuts on a regular basis to nourish your hair.

2. Black food

Black sesame contains rich vitamin E, protein, calcium, and unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote scalp blood circulation, nourish hair, prevent dryness and hair loss, and make hair regain thickness and darkness. Another black food – black beans also contain vitamin B, vitamin E, and pantothenic acid, which help improve hair loss problems. In addition, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to hair care lies in “nourishing the kidneys and blood”, and eating more black foods helps nourish the kidneys, making hair stronger and healthier.

3. Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables such as leeks, spinach, and romaine lettuce provide nutrients such as iron and calcium, which help maintain healthy hair, while keeping hair color dark and increasing hair volume. Spinach, in particular, contains vitamins A and C, which promote the normal secretion of oil from hair follicles, naturally moisturizing the hair.

4. Eggs

Slow hair growth, deteriorating hair quality, and thinning hair are all related to insufficient protein intake, and eggs are rich in protein, which helps repair the scalp from the root and improve hair loss. In addition, eggs also contain vitamin A, vitamin B group, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other nutrients, which can also make the scalp and hair healthier.

5. Salmon

Everyone knows that salmon is highly nutritious, containing rich Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamin D, protein, and other nutrients. It not only helps improve hair quality but also addresses hair thinning issues.

6. Avocado

In addition to being used to DIY natural hair masks, avocados can also be incorporated into daily diet to supplement the nutrients needed for hair! Avocados, high in nutritional value, contain rich proteins, potassium, calcium, sodium, vitamin E, etc., which can help clear free radicals from hair follicles, activate follicles, promote hair growth, and make hair more shiny and glossy. Avocados also contain amino acids and folic acid, which can promote scalp blood circulation and prevent hair loss.

圖片來源:Pinterest, Google, Instagram

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