July 5, 2022

Tainan Art Museum transformed into a spooky haunted house? “Asian Hell and Ghosts” special exhibition realistically scares the audience!


Before stepping into the lunar July, the “Ghost Gate” has quietly opened… This is referring to the highly discussed exhibition “Hell and Ghosts of Asia” at the Tainan Art Museum. The museum released a photo of an in-house zombie installation earlier, causing a sensation in all sectors. The lifelike level of it is chilling, making the exhibition popular before it even opened, and even sparking calls to cancel the exhibition. This makes people even more curious, just how scary are the exhibits inside?


The exhibition focuses on Asian ghost legends, and unexpectedly, the curatorial unit is the Asian Civilization Department of the Louvre Museum in France. Curator Julien Rousseau extends from traditional artifacts and artworks to the latest popular culture creations, introducing in the most in-depth and accessible way the Asian imagination of the supernatural and ghostly world over the centuries.


In Asia and the Eastern world, many ghost legends and supernatural stories have transcended time, passed down through generations by oral tradition, literary records, creative works, theatrical performances, film adaptations, etc., deepening the eerie atmosphere. In contemporary creations, ghosts are becoming more and more anthropomorphized, even possessing human thoughts and emotions, surpassing the moral and explanatory frameworks of religious art, and displaying a more diverse appearance.


The exhibition tour arrived in Taiwan, incorporating a Taiwanese perspective in its narrative. In addition to the depiction of hell and ghosts influenced by Asian Buddhist culture, Taiwan’s image of ghosts has also been influenced by Japanese aesthetics, resulting in the portrayal of female ghosts in white clothes with long hair, as well as the popularity of the Nantou Monster Village. Through the transformation of folk beliefs, numerous legends have begun to shape the appearance of Taiwan’s native ghosts and monsters, including the Tiger Granny who eats children’s fingers and the demon child in the jungle.

Many ghosts and monsters were originally created to symbolize historical events and serve as moral reminders. Rather than just scaring children, ghost stories sometimes carry a special educational significance.


This exhibition presents works by contemporary artists and movie posters of local ghosts, inviting artists Lin Yiqi, Hou Chunting, Yao Ruizhong, Zhang Jiya, Liang Tingyu, Chen Yun, Huang Qianlun, Cai Jiawei, and Yan Zhongxian to exhibit. By borrowing exhibits from the National Museum of Taiwan History and the Cijia Temple in Xuejia, it echoes the local temples and legendary stories of Tainan, deepening the audience’s understanding of Taiwan’s indigenous ghosts.

The exhibition combines rich visual elements with educational significance, so if you are brave enough, why not come and see it in person!

“Asia’s Hell and Ghosts” Special Exhibition
Date: From now until October 16
Time: 10 AM to 6 PM
Location: Exhibition Rooms E, F, G, H, 2nd floor, Gallery 2, Tainan City Art Museum

Image source and learn more: Tainan Art Museum

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