1月 16, 2024



lululemon 邀请影后杨紫琼出镜


This time’s short film “Spring, Singing Spring” takes the perspective of Eastern culture to explore physical and mental well-being through the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit. The film showcases Chinese martial arts Wing Chun and dance, interpreting the state of being like bathing in the spring breeze, inviting the public to pursue balance and find their own eternal spring. The short film was produced by an all-star production team and was filmed in Jingning, Zhejiang and Xiandu, collaborating with international actress Yang Ziqiong and dancers from the Shenzhen Opera and Dance Theater.



農曆新年就是家人團聚的重要節慶,這回 Balenciaga 特別以諧音「巴黎是家」為廣告大片的創意靈感,透過溫馨幽默的手法順應慶祝華人地區,於即將到來的農曆年團圓。

「巴黎是家」广告大片,取景于舒适自在的家庭居所,由一众品牌好友演绎灵感来自 doodles 涂鸦风格的手绘标识印花长袖 T 恤、连帽衫、牛仔外套,搭配 Le Cagole 手袋。广告大片通过宝丽来拍摄并以即影即有照片形式呈现,重温佳节期间为好友定格的美好瞬间。


In the Chinese zodiac, the dragon is a mythical creature that symbolizes abundance and good luck. Prada’s 2024 Lunar New Year advertising campaign reshapes the atmosphere of art films with deep colors, especially the optimistic and joyful festive atmosphere under the lens of classic Chinese films. The campaign features Du Juan, a supermodel and actress who starred in Wong Kar-wai’s TV drama “Blossoms,” as well as Zhao Lei, the protagonist of the short film “First Spring” premiered at the Pradasphere II exhibition in Shanghai. The campaign brings together two rising stars in the contemporary Chinese cultural scene, including fashion and art photographer Zhang Jiacheng and musician Linfeng (Li Linfeng), who also serves as the producer. Linfeng’s music composition is inspired by the lively rhythm of traditional Chinese music. The campaign’s still photos were shot at the century-old mansion “Rong Mansion,” which was carefully restored by Prada and reopened in 2017 as a venue for cultural events held by the Prada Group in China.

为庆祝甲辰龙年,Prada推出了一系列男女装定制成衣、手袋、鞋履、珠宝和配饰。在广告中亮相的女装主打单品包括超轻巧的柯根纱半截裙,搭配柔软舒适的针织衫和束腰西装外套。手袋方面,包括最新的Prada Buckle和Prada Arqué,以及精致的Re-Nylon再生尼龙或皮革版Re-Edition。男装则主打经典的Re-Nylon再生尼龙面料,制作成一系列外套、马甲背心、长裤、衬衫,以及背包和旅行袋。

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