April 20, 2021

20th Anniversary 4K Restoration Edition “In the Mood for Love” will be released in Hong Kong on April 29th! Relive the poignant love story of Chow Mo-wan and Su Li-zhen!

4K 修復版《花樣年華》香港上映

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of “In the Mood for Love” and the 30th anniversary of director Wong Kar-wai’s film career, Wong Kar-wai has brought a 4K restored version of this classic film. After its screenings at the New York Film Festival, Lumière Festival in France, and Busan International Film Festival in Korea last year, the film is finally set to premiere in Hong Kong on April 29th, allowing everyone to once again relive the romantic and poignant love story of Chow Mo-wan and Su Li-zhen on the big screen!

Director Wong Kar-wai expressed his hopes for the 4K restored version of “In the Mood for Love,” which celebrates its 21st year this year. He hopes that through this restoration, the film can be presented in the best possible condition for this occasion. Wong also noted that it has been a while since everyone has been to the cinema, and he hopes that this screening of “In the Mood for Love” will be a good start.

隨著《花樣年華》在香港上映,全新的海報亦曝光,唯美的畫面洋溢著 60 年代的氣息,亦展現了張曼玉的東方女性之美,而她身後的梁朝偉有如隔著一層朦朧的玻璃,獨特的氛圍刻劃了主角二人之間的秘密感情。這正呼應了《花樣年華》結尾中的一句話:「那些消逝了的歲月,彷彿隔著一塊積著灰塵的玻璃,看得到,抓不著。」

The 4K restored version of “Flowers of Shanghai” will be shown in all Emperor Cinemas. Don’t miss it, movie fans.

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