November 6, 2020

Note down 10 classic lines from “The Queen’s Gambit” and savor the life philosophy of “life is like a chess game”

The Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit” has been gaining momentum, becoming a hot topic on various platforms shortly after its release. With its concise storyline and the actors’ superb performances, it has risen to the position of the “best drama of 2020.” “The Queen’s Gambit” is not only a “critically acclaimed drama,” but also a “textbook” from which you can learn the secrets of retro fashion from the protagonist Anya Taylor-Joy, as well as glean life philosophies from the dialogues. Here are 10 selected lines to guide you in reflection.


Although we have family, friends, and partners around us, there are times when we still have to face moments of solitude. There will come a day when we are alone, so we should learn how to handle ourselves, alleviate feelings of loneliness, become stronger, and qualify to move towards the status of a “strong person.”


Throughout your life, there will be countless things that make you angry. A moderate amount of anger may help clear your mind and think about the next steps clearly. However, if too much anger clouds your judgment, causing your thoughts to become chaotic or even out of control, you may easily make the wrong decisions. Remember not to let excessive anger control you.


Although today’s society advocates for gender equality, there are still many men who feel superior in front of women, trying to demonstrate the correct way and even attempting to control women to show how capable they are. As women, we should maintain a confident attitude, not be influenced by male chauvinistic thinking, and stay true to our feelings.


Having the courage to move forward is a good thing, but it should not be blind or reckless. Otherwise, it may backfire and be consumed by one’s own stubbornness. Slowing down at the right time or even admitting defeat does not mean admitting weakness, but rather readjusting one’s mindset to find the best performance and state of mind. Only in this way can one go further in the long run.


We will encounter battles of all sizes in our lifetime, whether it’s competing in a competition or navigating office politics. Battles are never fun, so once you start one, it’s best to take a swift and decisive approach, and remember to “strike first and strike hard” to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.


Having a special skill is definitely a good thing, as it can help you carve out a place for yourself in this competitive society. However, it can also become a stumbling block, keeping you stuck in your comfort zone and following the same old routine. Focusing solely on honing your strengths may cause you to overlook the joy of life and forget to explore the various possibilities in other areas.


There are many aspects to a matter, if you stick to your own opinions and blindly follow what you think, ignoring the advice and suggestions of others, it will only make you stagnant, not only without progress, but even lead you to a dead end or irreparable situation. Therefore, you should always keep an open mind in order to make progress.


No one dislikes the feeling of being admired and envied, but never do everything unwillingly just to satisfy these vanities. In the end, you may gain the pleasure of vanity, but you won’t get lasting happiness, and you may even end up with emotional breakdowns, which is totally not worth it.


When you think you are better than others, you are already impressive, but you forget that “time” is your biggest enemy. In the passing years, even if you defeat your opponents now, you cannot resist the erosion of time. There will be more outstanding people in the future.


Life is like a game of chess, every move we make is like a move in a game of chess. There is no turning back at the beginning, we must think carefully before deciding how to move next, so as not to end up with irreparable results, leaving ourselves with regret.

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