餐厅内的多国菜式灵感来自东南亚各地美食,推介菜式有「泰式红虾刺身」,以西班牙红虾拌上传统泰式生虾汁带出酸辣鲜香,而墨西哥菜必吃的 Taco 亦加入泰国菜元素,带来满满猪肉馅料的「墨西哥饼泰式生菜包」。
- GREEN x GODIVA 打卡下午茶!IG-able 玻璃球盛載甜點/聖誕馴鹿熱朱古力杯
- 尖沙咀新开日本料理餐厅!三色迷你杯饭/即席现烧原只北寄贝/新张 9 折优惠
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至於招牌菜「Getaway 秘製烤雞」就以傳統中式醃料混搭多款秘製東南亞香料醃製入味,先蒸後焗,將外皮焗至微微焦脆而內裡肉質嫩滑。「香煎鴨胸泰茄子配青咖喱汁」將鴨胸低溫慢煮,再配上泰國珍珠圓茄及青咖喱汁,惹味開胃。
If you want to have a glass of wine, there are also several special cocktails to choose from, such as “Wanderlust” with a hanging glass and peony flower decoration. This cocktail combines vodka, citrus, and coconut flavors, with a rich fruity aroma. “Island of Desires” has a unique shape as well, with vodka as the base liquor, paired with jasmine, coconut, and fresh pandan leaves, bringing a full Southeast Asian flavor!
地址:中环摆花街43号The Workstation 2楼
营业时间:12:00 – 02:00
电话:3709 2667