August 20, 2020

“Already thirty” or “just thirty”? Learn these few things, and your thirties will be the beginning of a beautiful life!

Is the age of thirty a source of anxiety for you? Although you try to reassure yourself that it’s just a number, deep down you equate it with “no longer young”! On one hand, you tell yourself “it’s just thirty”, but on the other hand, you start avoiding talking about your real age! Perhaps you have imagined that by the age of thirty, you would already be married, maybe even a mother, or excelling in your career as a capable businesswoman in the eyes of others! When you were in your twenties, you might have thought that this age was still a distant number, but suddenly the daunting threshold has quietly arrived, and why haven’t your life goals been achieved yet? In reality, every age has its own lessons to learn and its own beauty. With the right mindset, any time can be a new beginning! Instead of seeing thirty as a deadline, why not see it as a turning point? Learn a few things and embark on the beautiful life of being thirty together!

1. Learn to appreciate your own strengths, stop comparing!

“She’s already a manager, why am I still just a lowly employee?” “Look, I’m starting to get fine lines around my eyes, how does she still have such a youthful face?”… We’ve all heard these complaints before, maybe even said them ourselves. The comparison game is always a source of pain! Instead of focusing on others and feeling like we’re falling behind, why not come back and live our own lives well? Understand that everyone is a unique individual, with different family backgrounds, personalities, preferences, strengths, and appearances. Since we are all inherently different, it’s only natural that our circumstances are different too, right? So why bother comparing ourselves to others? Take a good look at your own strengths, learn to discover and appreciate your own qualities, and regain your self-worth and confidence!

2. Learn to spend time dating yourself, enjoy alone time!

All my best friends are married, but I am still single! Turning thirty can make women feel confused and anxious, not because our age limits us, but because we unconsciously assume that all happiness has a deadline! Getting married and having children before thirty may be a life plan that many women look forward to. When things don’t go as expected, it can be unsettling! But just like everyone’s circumstances are different, don’t forget to love yourself well before finding that special someone! Enjoy your “Me Time” to the fullest, and make good use of this temporary single period to connect with your best friends and cherish precious moments with family! Remember, love has nothing to do with age. Although love after thirty may lack a certain youthful charm, the wisdom that comes with age will give you a more mature relationship. Also, remember that love is not everything in life. Before that, learn to be comfortable with being alone and approach each day with a positive and optimistic mindset.

3. Don’t be afraid of change, it’s never too late to start over!

We often set ourselves many rules at the age of thirty, making it difficult for us to move forward even when we have rare opportunities. We always think that the older we get, the higher the cost of change, and there are too many unknowns in the future. Gradually, we lose the courage to challenge ourselves and cannot step out of our Comfort Zone. What makes us feel old is actually this sense of stagnation! Instead of staying in the same place, why not take the first step and give it a try? Of course, taking a risk does not mean being unprepared. Please objectively assess your own abilities and situation, make psychological adjustments, and prepare yourself in terms of knowledge and skills. Do not resist learning new things, and gradually move towards your goals and dreams!

4. It’s better to live beautifully than to look young, embrace your true age!

The anxiety about age comes from the fact that we all think that after the age of thirty, everything such as appearance, physical strength, opportunities, etc., is on the decline, and life is gradually slipping away. Perhaps even if we work hard to apply face cream, use essence, the collagen on our faces will still not be able to withstand the years. Staying up all night used to be a piece of cake for you, but now staying up an hour later already makes you suffer the next day when you wake up. Looks and bodies will gradually age, this is a fate that no one can escape, and it is not to say that everyone should give up on skincare and maintaining a healthy body. However, do not forget that we are growing every moment, the passage of time enriches our experiences, compared to our younger selves, haven’t we seen more beautiful scenery, met more interesting people and things? Also, as we age, we lose a bit of recklessness and gain a bit of wisdom. At thirty, we understand our true needs more, no longer just following the crowd, and no longer easily being defeated by the difficulties of life. Do not be afraid of aging, keep a young heart, and live a beautiful life of independence and freedom!

5. Instead of reminiscing about the past, it’s better to live in the present!

“Thinking back to the past” may be wonderful, but back then, you didn’t understand the hardships of life. Carefree and full of youthful energy, living in the past won’t allow you to look towards the future. Focus on the present, seize the current time, and create some wonderful memories for the future. Tell yourself: So what if you’re thirty? Face your age with composure, laugh off this number, and start your beautiful life!


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