6月 17, 2020


这场“Black Lives Matter”运动所揭露的并不只是种族歧视、黑人平权等根深蒂固的问题,更是引发到其他领域和层面上的种族多元化争议,而时尚界正是其中一个受波及的领域。顷刻间,时尚圈中的种族多元化议题被摆上台面,而美国版《Vogue》总编辑Anna Wintour更因此而成为众矢之的?

根据时尚商业评论媒体《BoF》报道,Anna Wintour 发出道歉声明:“我要坦承我们杂志没有足够方式去给予非裔编辑、作家、摄影师,或其他创作者机会;过去我们也曾犯错,在出版作品上带有伤害性及欠包容性的影像或文字,我必须承担所有责任。”

安娜·温图尔接着表示未来会改善现状,给予非裔同事更多包容和尊重,然而这番道歉却不被买账,甚至引爆出更多人对她的抨击。一名《Vogue》的前非裔员工就在 Twitter 公开表示,在公司工作期间,是她最痛苦、最具挑战性的时光,比白人同事低更多的薪酬、白人同事的霸凌让她筋疲力竭。

On the other hand, some Twitter accounts have created Google documents calling on internal employees to publicly disclose their positions, gender, race, and treatment to prove the existence of racial discrimination issues. Anna Wintour is facing a crisis of stepping down because of this, with many rumors suggesting that she will be held accountable and resign. However, the CEO of the group responded that Anna Wintour has been serving the company for nearly 40 years and will not be dismissed because of this. Some people are also defending her, pointing out that she has repeatedly appointed people of color and spoken out on niche issues, criticizing the idea that she is too harsh. This also leads to everyone’s thinking: what should be done, and how much should be done, to fundamentally eradicate racial prejudice from the fashion industry? 另一方面,一些 Twitter 帐号创建了 Google 文档,号召内部员工公开自己的职位、性别、种族、待遇,以证明种族歧视问题的存在。安娜·温图尔因此面临下台危机,有许多传言称她将被追责并辞职。然而,该集团首席执行官回应称,安娜·温图尔已在公司效力近40年,不会因此被解雇。也有一些人为她辩护,指出她多次任命有色人种并发声支持小众议题,批评认为她行为过于苛刻。这也引发了大家的思考:到底应该做什么,做多少,才能从根本上消除时尚界的种族偏见?

尽管 Anna Wintour 保住了「饭碗」,但未来仍要面对种种难关,既要挽回新冠疫情所带来的收益影响;又要圆善地解决种族议题牵扯出的负面事件,那绝对是一场硬仗。

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