9月 17, 2021

Gucci Aria系列广告宣传,以欲望本体论体现Alessandro Michele美学主张

那一次 Gucci Aria 系列的发布,你还记得吗?你会联想起 Gucci 与 Balenciaga 的联乘?向 Tom Ford 时期致敬的设计?还是用上意想不到的大热 Hip-Hop 歌曲作背景音乐的安排?经过数个月的沉殿后,创意总监 Alessandro Michele 通过了 Gucci Aria 的系列广告,向大家分享其实他想要诉说什么。

Gucci Aria

在广告中,放弃了当日发布展的夜店、仙景,换上的就是自 19 世纪初已成为大英帝国上流社会重要社交场地的 The Savoy 酒店,每个场景均以一男一女的设定拍摄,而概念上正是要从本体论角度出发,去探寻两性从世界被创造后到肉体结束生命时,一直在追求、展现、解放、吸引到理解的欲望和爱的体现。

Gucci Aria
Gucci Aria

非常深奥的铺排,Alessandro Michele 更将广告分成了 5 大部份,以雌雄同体、爱神、肉体、服装及哲学作为五个主要命题,深入地探讨人类最原始的欲望。

Gucci Aria
Gucci Aria

这些看似与系列服饰、发布展毫不相关的概念,其实亦非如此。了解Alessandro Michele的朋友,其实应该知道这位设计师,对于历史、哲学及爱等三大主题均有着非一般的好奇心,而系列广告及发布展中的部分细节,其实亦有互相呼应并同时通过Gucci Aria系列广告带出了Alessandro Michele的某些观点。

Gucci Aria

For example, the nightclub scene and advertising shooting location for the fashion show are also Savoy, while the real The Savoy is where Gucci founder Guccio Gucci worked as an elevator attendant or doorman in London when he was about ten years old; the clothing styles in the series present bold attempts at fetishism, not only expressing that clothes are an extension of the skin, but also highlighting the hidden “erotic power” connecting the bodies of men and women conceptually, obtaining pleasure, liberation, and transformation from it; and in the final scene of the fashion show that day, the models walk out of Savoy nightclub and see a fairyland outside the gate, not only directly echoing the concept of Plato’s “Symposium” about the original hermaphroditic nature of humans, but also telling the ultimate vision of the world, gender, and erotic relationships, expressing Alessandro Michele’s aesthetic proposition of connecting thoughts with the body.

Gucci Aria


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