July 24, 2020

Find positive energy from the “epidemic” situation! The new art trend “+VE/-VE” exhibition brings together works from over 40 local artists!

Art comes from life. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc, many local artists have created a series of artworks with the theme of the epidemic. They reflect on how to find the “positive” power in the face of threats to life, health, and the disruption of daily life caused by the pandemic. The New Art Wave will exhibit these works from July 31 to August 31, bringing the exhibition “+VE/-VE.” Just like the name of the exhibition, through the positive and negative aspects, it records Hong Kong under the epidemic through art, and explores new ways out of the “epidemic” from the changes in thinking and lifestyle.

The exhibition features 60 works from over 40 Hong Kong artists, including Chu Kit Yee, Ding Kwong Kam, Fung Jim, Wu Chun Yin, Kasper Forest, Yuen Kit Sum, Liu Jing Mei, Lai Wan Ting, So Sze Ling, Tang Tsz Kin, Yim Man Wai, Fung Chi Ming, and Wong Ka Wai. Their unique pieces express their insights into the future through art, prompting us to reflect on the pandemic that has lasted for over half a year from different perspectives.


In the oil painting, the brown land resembles a human body, with a red tree rising from the heart position, like a flame, creating a tense atmosphere.


Medical personnel have always been at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic, working tirelessly to care for patients. Local artist and part-time lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chung Tai-fu, created this rock painting to pay tribute to the great healthcare workers.

Kasper Forest《The Ghost City – The Beginning of After Life》

Hong Kong writer Liu Yichang once wrote in his masterpiece “The Drunkard”: “Hong Kong people’s happiness is all made of paper, but everyone is willing to treat paper love as real.” In artist Kasper Forest’s “Golden Boy and Jade Girl” series, the work “The Ghost City – The Beginning of After Life” features a paper couple as the “protagonists,” set against the backdrop of Hong Kong landmarks, depicting a deserted Hong Kong under the haunting presence of ghosts.

李欣儀《Study of Spaces and System》

In Li Xinyi’s work “Study of Spaces and System,” U-shaped water pipes run through every household, while people pace back and forth at home, sitting or standing, revealing a sense of unease under the epidemic.


In recent years, Hu Junyan’s works have all been themed around lilies. Last year, he exhibited withered and beautiful lilies, which was stunning. This exhibition will showcase his new work “Lilies in a Cup”, where the lilies in the painting are not only broken but also squeezed into a small space. Does this remind you of the situation of people during the epidemic?

Tamera Bedford《Once I Was You(Love in the Time of Covid-19)》

Tamera Bedford brings ink mixed media work “Once I Was You (Love in the Time of Covid-19)”, will love under the epidemic be like a contemporary version of “City of Love”?

The New Art Wave also held an online exhibition ” +VE/-VE”, showcasing more works of participating artists. Feel free to visit the website: https://www.artnextexpo.com/.

New Art Wave “+VE/-VE” Exhibition:
Date: July 31 to August 31
Location: 2nd floor of SML Building in Kwun Tong

Image source: New Art Tide

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