

June 12, 2020

#Good Selection: A skincare brand exclusively for sophisticated women, RARE Skin Fuel, allows you to confidently radiate natural beauty!

For mature women whose skin condition is not as good as when they were younger, it is definitely not easy to find skincare products with gentle and non-irritating formulas! If you are desperately looking for this type of skincare product, you are really lucky to come across this article! Because after getting to know the Australian skincare brand RARE Skin Fuel (RSF) that will be introduced below, you will know that it is your destined skincare brand!

June 4, 2020

Not selling ads, relying solely on word of mouth to become popular! Japanese supermodel Sonmi created her own skincare brand “meeth”, netizens praise: “Changed my life”!

Recently, there has been a new name that has sparked discussion in the Japanese beauty circle - "meeth". It relies not on advertising, but on word of mouth. Once it spreads, it becomes popular, even achieving the feat of selling out face masks repeatedly. Those who have used its products all say that once they start using them, they can't go back!

May 18, 2020

#Good Selection: Your captivating eyes~~ 7 new Korean eye shadow palettes in 2020 collection, using charming eye makeup as the focus of your look!

Although the pneumonia epidemic has eased slightly, it is still too early to mention "unmasking" (sigh). Girls still don't need to wear masks but put on full makeup, so we must focus on the only exposed eyes! The text has collected the newly launched Korean eye shadow palettes in 2020 for everyone, allowing you to create charming eye makeup that can attract others' attention with just your eyes~

May 15, 2020

#Good Stuff Selection: “Setting Spray” highly recommended, enhances the longevity of your makeup! Keep your makeup intact even in the summer, without smudging when wearing a mask!

During the double attack of sweating and wearing a mask in the summer, the chances of makeup coming off increase significantly! You may consider using a setting spray to set your makeup, not only making it last longer but also keeping it looking natural. The editor has gathered a few recommended setting sprays for everyone to check out together!

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