April 1, 2020

#Beauty Classroom: Stop hiding! Show off your old, yellow, and dry hands!


You must remember that the devil is always in the details, especially when it comes to skincare. While you diligently take care of your cheeks every day, please take a moment to look down at your hands, which have weathered and dry skin. Understand? Just as you work hard to care for your face and study makeup, your hands will also quietly reveal the secrets of your age! To have elegant hands, there is no other rule but diligent care!

1. 溫水浸手

Taking care of your hands is simple, just take a little time each day to do some home maintenance, and it doesn’t cost much! When you get home from work, you can fill a basin with warm water to soak your hands, helping to relax the muscles in your hands, promote blood circulation, improve the skin tone of your hands, and keep your skin soft. However, be sure to pay attention to the water temperature, 40 to 45 degrees of warm water is sufficient!

2. 去除老廢角質

Facial skin, body skin need regular exfoliation to remove dead skin, and hands also need equal care. Regularly removing old dead skin can prevent rough skin on the hands, or calluses from excessive labor. Moreover, if the aging keratin layer thickens too much, it can also hinder the absorption of subsequent skincare products.

3. 定期敷手膜

Many girls may think that hand care is just about applying hand cream, yes, that is the most basic care. If you want delicate and smooth hands, what you need is a hand mask! After removing dead skin, it is recommended to wrap your hands in a warm towel, then apply the hand mask, for the most delicate skin, providing the most effective care!

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